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Your first star interview

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by PhilaYank36, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. budcrew08

    budcrew08 Active Member

    Kyle did that at the Charity Ride event I covered as well. His "handlers" were telling him that he had to go, but Kyle told them to wait so he could finish interviews and get pictures with people. A great experience.

    Only things wrong with it was a TV guy screaming at him after their interview to stay so he could get an autograph and a picture.

    But that's another thread for another time.
  2. Chad Conant

    Chad Conant Member

    You don't say. The Donald, a publicity whore?

    what the fuck did Pete expect? "Hey, Pete, do you think the line on the Reds game tonight is fair?"
  3. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I got that impression. May have been wrong.
  4. ChrisYandek

    ChrisYandek New Member

    My first really big story interview Randy Moss. He was very insightful, intellegent, and he answered every question with good responses.

  5. Mayfly

    Mayfly Active Member

    Outing alert: ChrisYandek is Ricky Williams.
  6. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    I can't remember the first "celebrity" I interviewed. I do remember that when I worked at the bureau for Southam News (my first job in journalism), I had a day where I got calls returned from Ed Asner, Bruce Cockburn, and Rikki Rocket -- not exactly your ordinary trifecta. It was actually pretty strange.

    First athlete I can remember interviewing was Jose Canseco. He'd hit a one-handed home run off a curveball in the dirt. I asked him how he did it. Steroids wasn't part of his answer.

    First movie star was Naomi Watts. You might think it's hard to sustain a boner for an eight-hour interview, but I pulled the trick.

    And later, in my spare white room at the Mondrian, my pud.
  7. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Did the little reporter's notebook cover the situation?
  8. No boner for Ed Asner?
  9. funky_mountain

    funky_mountain Active Member

    i know how he pronounces his name, i like his music but i always take notice of the spelling of his name ... somehow this segues into cockburn.
  10. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    Potentially the most disturbing sentence I have ever read on SportsJournalists.com.
  11. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    It would make a good T-shirt, though.
  12. MertWindu

    MertWindu Active Member

    I think that takes care of that.

    As for me, this is a little lame, but frankly, I haven't interviewed many important people. Might have been in a gaggle around a few big names, but nothing I'd bother sharing here. But I've had a big man/fantasy owner-crush on Jabar Gaffney since he got drafted, so interviewing him a few weeks ago was kind of neat.
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