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Whitlock done all around ESPN

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by loveyabye, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    How dare Whitlock criticize ESPN's tennis expert!
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    You don't bite the fork lift that feeds you
  3. Juan Williams, official Fox black person.
    There's some one with a constituency.
  4. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    First, I want to say how depressed I feel because I'm old enough to remember the MASH episode being referenced in the earlier posts. Let me add, "Look, it was banned in Boston!"

    Second, congrats to you, Whitlock, for standing up for what you think. I'm guessing this banishment might have been an inevitability anyway, given you were going to be writing for a competitor. But fortunately you were in a position to tell ESPN you would not be its monkey. Wonder what Bill Simmons, who frequently has unspecified complaints about how he's censored, thinks about this.

    Third, and this may the fact I write for a Web site talking, but I would like to address those who ripped Whitlock going to AOL or wondered why anybody would bother reading it. Anyone in this business should be thrilled that the Yahoos, AOLs, Sportslines, etc., of the world are expanding their sports coverage. It creates more opportunities for writers, and it make strides toward lessening the ESPN hegemony (as chronicled in the Hugo Chavez-recommended Noam Chomsky book). I don't have any particular ill will toward ESPN, which has some great people doing great work, but competition can only help.
  5. lack of competition is preventing espn from reaching its potential.

    espn and the nfl are the two most powerful institutions in sports, and they're both covered with kid gloves by the media.
  6. The only one with a shot of competing with ESPN across the spectrum is Murdoch, and he's satisfied with what he has.
  7. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Dear FB: I'm sure you're correct, but I think it's always wise to modify "satisfied" with "for now" when discussing Murdoch.
  8. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    DAMN, FB. That's straight bull shit. Every single time a black person steps out of the lock step, left wing political parade, they are labeled some sort of House Negro.

    That's also unfair to Juan, he may be on FOX but he is not of FOX.
  9. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Nice column, Jason.
    Why is Bristol so hypersensitive?
  10. A three-page thread almost exclusively in praise of Jason Whitlock ...

    Can someone please point me to SportsJournalists.com?
  11. markvid

    markvid Guest

    We're not so dumb and blind as to not see when someone has been unjustifiably wronged.
  12. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Bristol's not NEARLY so hypersensitive as The Littlest Unit.

    Mark Kriegel knows all about this level of horseshit.
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