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What misperceptions do people have about you?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Dick Whitman, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    We've come to the conclusion that when we have kids, everything will change. And I'm fine with that.

    But right now, this is the arrangement that's worked for us for five years and I don't see a need to mess with what's not broken, you know?

    And you'll be surprised at how often this actually comes up. At least once a week I find myself "defending" my so-called position.
  2. My friends and family think I can just up and leave and get another job in the business when I say I'm alone and not really enjoying living where I do.

    One of my friends thinks an internship at ESPN is the answer to a better life for me.

    Women by and large think I'm dumb because I'm not Mr. SexyAsFuck and they can tell me anything and I'll believe it.

    I do love sports, but I'm really not inclined (nor required) to explain every single difference and rule that you don't understand.

    That I'm harsh, mean, rude, anything of the sort. I'm an introverted cat that's had a rough time socially and pretty much given up on finding a social life.

    However, it is true that I sing and rap lyrics from many songs to myself in public to keep you motherfuckers from talking to me :)
  3. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    Outing alert: silvershadow1981 is me, except I graduated in 1982. ::)
  4. Wendell Gee

    Wendell Gee Member

    That I'm an aloof prick when I'm really just shy and quiet.
  5. I think he meant his personal life is separate from his professional - ie, money-earning life - not separate from his wife's.
  6. HA! '81's my birth year though.
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