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What bones have you broken?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by wedgewood, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. holy bull

    holy bull Active Member

    Right collarbone in high school. Rope swing snapped, dropped 30-40 feet into a gully. Landing pad was some busted up pieces of sidewalk that had been dumped down there. Actually quite lucky it was only a collarbone.
  2. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    All of 'em, Charlie.
  3. jlee

    jlee Well-Known Member

    One of these things is not like the others...
  4. blacktitleist

    blacktitleist Member

    Tail bone.

    Showing off my basketball skills as a freshman in high school. Went up for a dunk, hung on the rim to make it look even cooler, and tried smacking the backboard while I was swinging on the rim.

    My grip of the rim slipped and I fell straight down on my ass.

    It's an injury they couldn't do much for except give me pain pills.

    Never been in so much pain. The worse part of it was I had to complete a huge project for my English class that was due the next day that involved typing a lot of information into the computer. This involved extensive sitting, and my ass was having none of it.

    I don't wish that on anyone. Still gets numb to this day if I've been sitting for prolonged periods of time on some no-so-soft surfaces.
  5. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Did something similar once, with thankfully less permanent results.
    My bedroom had a loft, about 8 feet off the ground, that I liked to climb up and sit in once in a while. Since I didn't have a stepladder, though, the easiest way to get up there was to slide over a dresser and put a chair on top of it, then climb up. Same thing coming down.
    One night I was climbing down and the chair slipped off the dresser. The middle of my back hit the edge of the dresser and knocked the wind out of me. Couldn't breathe for about a minute (which probably scared the hell out of my mom, who heard the crash and yelled up the stairs to ask what happened) and I had a bruise on my back for about a week.
  6. maberger

    maberger Member

    left ankle, right femur and nose in a car accident when i was 16 -- first half of high school senior year in wheelchair and three surgeries worth of repairs, plates and screws.

    collarbone playing hockey, couple more broken noses.

    and a couple more broken noses boxing
  7. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    I was running the backwards leg of a relay race at volleyball camp, slipped on a sweaty spot on the floor, and landed on my hands. My left wrist does much the same thing as jlee's does, because I broke both wrists at the growth plate, and the ER docs wrapped my left wrist too tightly. My arm started to swell, and my mom took me back to the ER, where they split the cast and taped it back together to reduce the swelling. By the time I'd gone to the ortho for a check-up and to have my wrist re-wrapped, the bone had slipped out of place and it's been f---ed up ever since. Did I mention this all happened the summer after I turned 13? My brother probably still has a few dings on his head from me whacking him with my casts when he wouldn't help me do stuff.
  8. doogie448

    doogie448 Member

    Cracked open my skull playing para-trooper with a laundry basket when I was like 4 jumping on to the cement floor of my parents basement.
    My wife says that's the reason I do stupid shit. I say it's because I've been married to her for 11 years.
  9. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    Broke my nose and cracked my cheekbone when I was hit in the face by a baseball in practice. The guy who threw it was my brother.

    Not technically a broken bone, but I also dislocated and damaged the nerve in my right pinkie when I got it caught between two helmets in high school football practice. To this day I have trouble typing with that finger and I drink with my pinkie extended not because I'm an erudite snob, but because it doesn't bend as easily as the other fingers.

    Also ruptured the ACL in my right knee playing pick-up football in the eighth grade. This was in the days before knee ligament replacement surgery, so I don't have an ACL in that knee. The doctor just cut it out to keep it from pinching between the bones (which really hurts, by the way).
  10. Just_An_SID

    Just_An_SID Well-Known Member

    Broke both feet and one ankle in high school.

    Broke my nose as a kid.

    The worst injury came several years ago when I rolled my ankle walking uphill. It wasn't much at the time, but months later when I was walking a lot in hard shoes, the foot hurt. Turns out I had a "Jones Fracture" of the foot which required surgery and a screw put into my foot to fix it. I couldn't put my foot down for three weeks and then I was in a boot for almost three months.
  11. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Had part of one amputated. Does that count?
  12. Just_An_SID

    Just_An_SID Well-Known Member

    Ouch. I would think it counts.
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