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Waaahhh!!! Everyone's so mean to Hillary

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by hondo, May 15, 2008.

  1. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Penn's as big a libertarian as there is in show business.
  2. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    wow ... a liberal woman columnist writes for the Washington Post, I post it, and Fenian acts as if I posted the greatest hits of Coulter.
    Dry your eyes Fens. Obama won. Deal with it.

  3. Boy, that's as dishonest a post as ever has appeared here.
    Did you read the piece? I'm assuming you did, since you found a way to write a dishonest thread title about it.
    You ridicule the candidate, and the woman writing the column, for "crying" about some grossly misogynistic campaign products. Get called on it. Pretend that the piece said what it didn't say. Get called on it again. Fail to deal with the evidence at hand. And now intimate that I'm sorry that the guy I voted for in my primary is the eventual nominee.
    That is too much stupid for this early in the day.
  4. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    With all due respect Fenian -- that column did come off like a bunch of whining and crying and this victim thing that Hillary and her Kool Aid drinkers seem to be trying to play is getting tired.

    Politicians get ridiculed in our society, they get ripped, they get mean-spirited and ignorant things said about them every day, they get mocked and made fun of -- but Hillary believes she is the only one who has ever had to endure this (meanwhile there is a whole segment of the population convinced Obama is a muslim that is friendly with terrorists and has some strange link to Osama because of his name, but i know THAT's Different.......)

    Further, I think it would do Hillary and her cheerleading squad a whole helluva lot of good to stop whining and crying about how unfair life is (though you clearly helped me establish on the other thread that liberals aren't really interested in fairness anyway) and how mean people were not to vote for her (imagine the horror, a candidate lost) and sit back and reflect on how she and her handlers totally FUCKED UP.

    This nomination was virtually handed to her on a silver platter and she blew it and now she's mad and blaming everybody else.

    Maybe that's where she needs to start looking -- in the mirror because the reason she lost has nothing to do with sexism, chauvinism, mysogyny, the fact that America is full of a bunch of cigar smoking, ball-sack fondling, beer-stained shirt wearing, women-hating macho men and everything to do with the fact that SHE.FUCKED.UP.

    Why is this so hard for some of you to accept?
  5. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    She didn't dot her "i"s and cross her "t"s in the caucuses . . . she made stupid comments about driver's licenses to illegal immigrants in New York in October, and Wild Bill shot his mouth off about Jesse, after South Carolina.


    R. I. P.
  6. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    No, no, no, no -- sexism --that's why she lost. Dammit.

    Meanwhile, people are finally beginning to try and give Hillary and her people some clues that maybe, just maybe, the problem was, well Hillary and her people....

  7. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    You forgot the blue font in your first graf.
  8. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    This is a fine example of Hondo's standard "I only posted the link" defense.

    He also does it with his hysterical "The Muslims are going to kill us all" threads.
  9. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    So we're not allowed to post a link and comment on it, without getting ridiculed. Unless, of course, the comments pass the SportsJournalists.com censorship board, which consists of Fenian and JR.
  10. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Censorship? Where did that red herring come from?

    Post all the sexist, racist, misogynist crap you want.

    Your "Waaaah, waaaah, JR & FB are so mean to me" victim card is one issue. You're a crybaby.

    The other of course is that you're an intellectul coward. When you get called on your bullshhit, you run away.
  11. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    There was no bullshit to call me on, other than that of your own making. I merely posted a column, from the Washington Post, that was one long whine after another about how Hillary lost. I didn't invent the nutcracker device, didn't say anything remotely hateful of women, nothing ... merely pointed out,, like many commentators and columnists, that there has been a crybaby reaction among Clinton supporters. I'm hardly in the minority on this one, on either side of the lib-conservative aisle.
    And JR, don't flatter yourself by believing for a second that I think you and fens are "mean to me." Your third-grade recess drivel wouldn't scare a cat. You guys are more amusing than anything.

    Intellectual coward my ass. I've never run from your lightweight bullshit. If anything, it's too easy to dismiss. Eventually, it gets boring.

    Isn't it time for your nap?
  12. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    And this, by the way, is excellent.

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