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United States Bowling Congress - publishing team leader

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Idaho, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    POSITION SUMMARY: The Team Leader will plan publication schedules and manage the implementation of USBC magazines, newsletters, books and marketing materials (brochures, posters, ads), maintaining project timelines and deadlines, appointing appropriate writers based on project needs. He or she will develop systems for editing copy with an eye toward factual, clean copy with context, timeliness and impact.

    The Team Leader will oversee, lead, coach and mentor a team of writers/editors. He or she will aid them in managing their time to meet the timelines and goals for each project, while communicating closely with other Marketing/Communications Team Leaders during the planning and implementation of all projects/publications.


    This might be right up somebody's alley.
  2. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    What's the dress code?
  3. MrWrite

    MrWrite Member


  4. daemon

    daemon Well-Known Member

    The USBC is proud to offer a competitive benefits plan that includes full health, dental, and vision, comprehensive 401k, and five-dollar pitcher nights on Thursdays.
  5. Lucas Wiseman

    Lucas Wiseman Well-Known Member

    Actually, it's Wednesdays.
  6. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Ugly shoes mandatory in the office!
  7. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member


    Expert on the movie Kingpin and have been to numerous pizza parties at bowling alleys.
  8. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    when will they get the ball rolling on this one?
  9. redsox99

    redsox99 Member

    They're still trying to pin down the salary range
  10. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Three other posts before Webby chimed in on this one? His mind must have been in the gutter.
  11. fatking

    fatking New Member

    Please, guys, spare me all the puns.
  12. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    You're right. We went OVER THE LINE on that one.
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