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Travis Henry two illegitimate kids away from ironman football team

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Hammer Pants, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    He's a productive reproductive running back.
  2. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    You'd think that after about five or so, he'd learn that blowing it inside of her = baby.
  3. Got to be bad on the knees ...
  4. pallister

    pallister Guest

    You talkin' about him or her?
  5. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    If he was talking about her, he wouldn't have nine kids.
  6. Him. Sounds like the hers should have spent more time on their knees ... then again, they wouldn't have little lottery tickets running around.
  7. westcoastvol

    westcoastvol Active Member

    In barbecuing, as in life, it pays to finish on the grill.
  8. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    It should not shock most of us that we probably have more money in our savings accounts than many of these multi-million dollar athletes.
  9. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    All you'd have to do is sneeze... ;D
  10. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    I always thought he was good at finding and hitting the hole, but this is ridiculous.
  11. crusoes

    crusoes Active Member

    That would be like pulling up short at the one-foot line, no? And running backs are taught to burst into paydirt on every play. Or into the end zone. Whichever.
  12. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    Facials never got girls pregnant [/kobe]
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