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Times-Pic sportswriter arrested in Internet sex sting

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by franticscribe, Aug 10, 2006.

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  1. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Me, too. My 3-year-old son makes me very protective. That's why my liberal side is being overshadowed by my daddy side.
  2. Just_An_SID

    Just_An_SID Well-Known Member

    First off, we all know that 13, 14 or 15-year old girls are not on the internet. They are all police officers posing as 13, 14 or 15-year olds so anybody dumb enough to fall into the, "hey lets meet trap" and actually expecting to hook up is a sick @*$& and deserves everything he gets.

    As far as the open position, management will probably want to include during the interview process a thorough examination of any applicants hard drive.
  3. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

  4. Bob Cook

    Bob Cook Active Member

    I've been assured by my law enforcement sources that he was viewing, not producing, but who knows what this guy is going to do? The way we first found out he was back in the picture was when my wife happened to run into him at, ahem, Great America, and learned later he was there was his family.
  5. joe king

    joe king Active Member

    Actually, I recently read somewhere that some guy had hooked up with what he thought was an 18-year-old woman on the Internet, arranged to meet her and instead was met by two 13-year-old girls who proceeded to rob him at gunpoint.

    And a 14-year-old sued MySpace, claiming she was sexually assaulted by a man she met on the site.
  6. Trey Beamon

    Trey Beamon Active Member

    Two 13-year-old girls robbing someone at gunpoint? Wow...
  7. Mutah

    Mutah Member

    Hmmm. Has anyone seen a post from Boots lately...
  8. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Having a young child shouldn't make any difference as to how you feel about this sort of thing. Wrong is wrong.
  9. That story about the photographer is just awful. Damn.
  10. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member


    Just in case we needed a reminder about former NASCAR flak Chip Williams.

    I can't believe anyone is stupid to say "hey baby wanna fuck?" or whatever you say to these faceless people and then actually go try to do that. Odds of it being an actual 15-year-old are slim. Someone who wants to rob you or arrest you seems more likely, though Chip apparently was quite successful at his game for a while.

    Whacks. Shoot the fuckers dead.
  11. Peg McNichol

    Peg McNichol Member

    You're right ... the operative phrase is "using the Internet to solicit sex from" minors (typically children under 16, but that age, as most SportsJournalists.com folks know, varies from state to state). Most states have some kind of law against using the Internet this way. Some, if not all, deem it a felony.

    Just like having a gun without having a permit, or a car without a registration, these crimes do not have to have a specific victim.

    Transcripts of the online chats are usually pretty clear about who's asking for what. There are some disturbed people out in the world. :(
  12. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    Actually, there is a Web site somewhere that has actual transcripts from some of these conversations. It escapes me right now, but it's compelling, sobering reading.
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