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The Register-Guard hiring Oregon Ducks football beat writer

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Antwan Staley, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. Antwan Staley

    Antwan Staley Member

    Hi everyone,

    The Register-Guard (Gannett/USA Today) No. 1 Oregon Ducks football beat reporter position is back on the market. This is my soon-to-be former job, so I can answer any questions you might have about the role. This reporter would oversee Oregon's football program. Along with that, they would also cover the women's basketball and baseball programs. If you have any questions about the position, you can email me directly at twanstaley@gmail.com

    If you're interested in the position, you can email managing editor Michelle Maxwell (mmaxwell@registerguard.com) or Executive Editor Cherril Crosby (ccrosby@statesmanjournal.com).
    Kinney60 likes this.
  2. Antwan Staley

    Antwan Staley Member

  3. Rockbottom

    Rockbottom Well-Known Member

    Enjoy covering road games from the comfort of your couch, right?

  4. Antwan Staley

    Antwan Staley Member

    I’m transparent so yeah I didn’t travel during the regular season. I did cover the Pac-12 Championship and the bowl game in person. So take what you will from that
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