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The perils of press row (my laptop is #@!*%ed)

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Trey Beamon, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. Situation

    Situation Member

    I suppose I can add to this.

    I was sitting courtside at state high school game not so long ago. And, of course, my laptop was out and open. Five minutes into the game, a loose ball, trailed closing by two players from opposing teams, comes bouncing directly my way. One kid slams into my laptop, then me and we both tumble to the floor.

    The laptop, which is my own, is toast. I end up having to spring for a new one myself. Spent around $500.
  2. newinthefield

    newinthefield Member

    A couple years ago during the MAC women's basketball tournament one of the players tumbled onto someone's computer and broke it, and knocked a full cup on soda onto the reporter. I was just a couple seats down, so I felt very lucky that day.
  3. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    Keep your laptop in the press room...take your notes and write from the safety of the press room...or guard your computer like it was your first-born.
  4. SoCalScribe

    SoCalScribe Member

    That's a nice idea, but I doubt you'd get off that easy. I'd be writing on my steno pad and filing by phone, I'm sure. I've grabbed a handful of foul balls in MLB pressboxes, including one that ricocheted off the facing right behind the first row of the press box and as I caught the rebound my hand carried into my laptop (fortunately not very hard). Saved myself some money on that one by catching the ball. I usually avoid the work laptop just because it simply isn't as fast and I'm not good enough on deadline to take the extra minutes to do what I need to do on a Brontosaurus laptop.
  5. Do you have insurance?
    Can you turn in a claim?

    You might run it by the publisher about a replacement .. I know, CNHI .. Sucks man... good luck though.
  6. Brian

    Brian Well-Known Member

    This. It's your screen that died, not your hard drive.

    Another option is to remove the hard drive from the laptop and buy an enclosure. After you've recovered your data, you have a spare external hard drive as a parting gift.
  7. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    You could also hit up ebay for a new screen.
  8. Matt Stephens

    Matt Stephens Well-Known Member

    If some of the data you need isn't back up, it sounds like it's just your monitor that's damaged, so if you get a new laptop, all of your data can be extracted from the old hard drive. Depending on what brand, the HDD is likely on the right side with tiny screws. Just don't remove it while you're computer is on.
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