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The HGH Lie?

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by creamora, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. creamora

    creamora Member

    This guy Matt Kolsky has no idea what he is talking about regarding blood testing for HGH. The blood test that is available for HGH is not an effective test by any means at this point. The test being used by WADA can only detect HGH in blood for about a day or so after use. There were more than one thousand tests performed at the recent World Track and Field Championships in Osaka including blood tests. How many positive blood tests for HGH do you think there were? Try zero. There were three hundred blood tests for HGH performed at the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004. How many positive blood tests for HGH do you think were there? Try zero. It's simply propaganda by WADA. It's a joke and the athletes know it. The method for testing blood for HGH has not been truly validated and published in peer reviewed scientific journals. Think about it. There has NEVER been a positive blood test for HGH at any point in time. This guy Kolsky needs to pipe down and stop looking like a fool to people who know the facts. He's making all sports journalists look bad.

    The HGH Lie

  2. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    My cat has kittens.
  3. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Creamora - from reading your posts you obviously have a better understanding of performance enhancing drugs than most.

    Is it possible that their are professional athletes that have gotten legal prescriptions for HGH?

    Is the health risk of taking HGH overblown?
  4. creamora

    creamora Member


    The real question is the following. When clueless sports journalists respond with posts such as the ones in this thread, does it even matter if I'm posting the truth? In short, I post the truth and a posse of clueless fools start showing their ignorance. However, I will continue to post educational information whether these fools get it or not. As they say, you can only teach those who are willing to learn.
  5. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    They make fun of you, Creamora, because you're a one trick pony. No one wants to hear a shrill, one-note screamer no matter what truth they might be telling.
  6. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    The scream, too, because no matter what he says, he comes across as an apologist for cheaters.

    And, as he said, you can only teach those who are willing to learn.
  7. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Glad to see Victor's lapdog is still alive. I was worried there for a moment.
  8. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Creamora all well and good but you did not answer my questions which I have a genuine interest in learning the answers.
  9. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    I've seen the horrors, horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me - you have a right to do that - but you have no right to judge me.
  10. creamora

    creamora Member


    I could care less what some of these fools here think. I routinely talk with sports journalists and it amazes me how uninformed they are as a whole regarding PED's.


    Yes, it is relatively easy for an athlete to get a prescription for HGH from a physician practicing anti-aging and longevity medicine. There are thousands of them throughout the US. The problem with a pharmacy like Signature in Orlando is that some of the patients involved did not have a face to face office visit with the ordering physician. This is basically what made some of the activity involved illegal regarding the internet sales of HGH and other PED's. Many drugs such as HGH are used for "off label" purposes at the discretion of a physician and often times this is legal. However, there must be a face to face meeting between the physician and patient and all acceptable medical procedures and policies must be followed.

    Like anything else, too much of something is often as bad as not enough. For example, too much water will kill you. HGH must be used responsibly or it can cause adverse health effects including insulin resistance. In short, HGH should only be used under the supervision of a knowledgable physician. I'm certainly certainly not suggesting any type of recommendations here. However, it's my understanding that, in general, if a male uses 4 units of HGH or less on a three times per week basis (a total of 12 units per week) and takes a one week break at the end of each month, they are not likely to experience side effects.

    In addition, it has been reported that many anti-aging physicians prescribe HGH as follows: One unit per day for women and two units per day for men. Six days on and one day off per week.

    Hope this information has been of interest.
  11. I think it was GQ (or a similar magazine) that did a story in which the writer legally obtained a prescription for HGH and raved about its positive effects.

    On another topic... On the subject of steroids...here's the funny thing: THEY WORK! SUPERBLY! Obviously, steroids are against the rules of sport (for now). I just find it so humorous that steroids are illegal because they might cause harm to the user when the very object of, say, football is violence for our own amusement.
  12. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Thank you Creamora. It's been my theory for a while now that we are going to find a lot of athletes walking around with legal prescriptions for hgh with very legitmate medical reasons for taking.

    It's also my feeling that no one has come forward because of the stigma attached to such usage.

    I am starting to view the whole thing as no different than athlete taking something like ritalin to assist in their focus.
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