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Texas idiot judge: Don't swat your kids on the behind!

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by printdust, Jun 20, 2011.

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  1. Iron_chet

    Iron_chet Well-Known Member

    We have a toddler and a teeneager in the house as well as a baby on the way.

    I have never hit my kids and have no intention to. I agree with pretty much every word Bob has said here.

    I don't think anyone should hit their kids. For the most part none of my friends have been spankers while most of us were spanked as kids.

    I just think there are other options better than spanking.

    I know time will tell but most of the kids are pretty good kids. I just think spanking is a short cut.
  2. printdust

    printdust New Member

    This is an example of a would-be government official TELLING YOU how to raise your child.
  3. I don't know a darn thing about parenting, probably never will and probably will never have to, but as far as the judge, you can't legislate that. He overstepped his boundaries.
  4. armageddon

    armageddon Active Member

    OOP's observation is accurate. Whatever the little angel was banging/dropping/pounding on hit the floor five times before mother of the year thought to offer to her child the choice of appropriate behavior in a public setting.

    And she didn't state to her angel there would be any consequences.

    For the record, I was spanked just once that I can recall. By the father. It wasn't about control. It was about sending a clear message that my behavior had crossed a line.

    In a stunning development, I learned immediately not to cross that line ever again.

    And I didn't fear my father after that spanking. He didn't raise his hand out of anger. And I deserved the punishment that day.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    And like Bob, I think you are talking out of the wrong end of your anatomy if you really think your experience alone is enough to be informed about how all parents should raise their children.
  6. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    I spanked my kids and don't regret it. Hated having to do it every time. Never did it lightly. And the only way it was about control was that it was about showing my kids that there were boundaries. After they reached a certain age, other punishments became more effective (taking the eldest's cell phone is the worst punishment ever conceived, it seems, followed close by banning him from Facebook; taking the youngest's Nintendo DS is equal to life in prison by his measure).

    Today, my kids (8 and 14) are both among the smartest kids in their classes. We have wonderful relationships and have as long as I can remember. Ever since they were little, when someone watches them, my wife and I have been told on almost every occasion how they are among the most well-behaved kids the people have ever watched.

    Is all of this because of spanking? Of course not. But I think some of it can be contributed to that.
  7. From my experiences getting spanked, I don't think I'd ever do it if I ever have children. Its main effect was to drive a large wedge between myself and my father, and as a result, we were not close.

    The one positive effect it had was that it drastically strengthened my relationship with my mother, and a large part of that was because I knew she would never hit me or any of my siblings. The result was that I didn't want to ever disappoint my mother because I appreciated what she did for us. In a way, I guess it worked because I never had any behavior issues, but it cost my father any real relationship with me. I think that's too high a price to pay for behavior.
  8. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    My parents used to beat the living shit outta me, and looking back on it I'm glad they did and I'm looking forward to beating the shit outta my kids. For no reason whatsoever.

    What'd you hit me for?

    Shut up and get out there and mow the lawn.
  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    It's called inconsistent parenting, which is a bad idea whether you include spanking among your disciplinary methods or not. Your relationship with your parents is the same because one treated you differently from the other, not because spanking was used.
  10. jr/shotglass

    jr/shotglass Well-Known Member

    oop, read what you've written here. Read it really close, and then listen to what I'm saying.

    You could be 110% right in your argument. In fact, I think you are.

    But if you're such an ASSHOLE in presenting your arguments, nobody WANTS to agree with you, even when you're right.

    You are the prime example of somebody not knowing HOW to argue correctly.

    I fully expect you're going to totally misunderstand this and just get defensive, but I really wish you'd take it as constructive criticism.
  11. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    So, never mind that Bob Cook was insulting from his very first post, right?Sorry, but I am absolutely in the right to reply in such a manner when the posts I'm responding to are just as rude.

    Sorry, shot. You see what you want to see. I know how to argue. I also know when somebody is too full of himself and his own delusional opinions to listen. And yes, I do realize that sometimes that decription applies to me as well.
  12. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Great post shotty
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