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Tennessee jumps up to No. 11

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Ledbetter, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. Ledbetter

    Ledbetter Active Member

    I thought the Vols would move up a bunch of spots in the AP poll, but I didn't expect this big a leap after one game. Also, Texas up to No. 2.

    1. Ohio St. (39) 1-0 1,568 1
    2. Texas (7) 1-0 1,453 3
    3. Southern Cal (3) 1-0 1,410 6
    4. Notre Dame (8) 1-0 1,408 2
    4. Auburn (3) 1-0 1,408 4
    6. West Virginia (5) 1-0 1,356 5
    7. Florida 1-0 1,191 7
    8. LSU 1-0 1,185 8
    9. Florida St. 1-0 1,130 11
    10. Michigan 1-0 841 14
    11. Tennessee 1-0 839 23
    12. Georgia 1-0 836 15
    13. Louisville 1-0 820 13
    14. Iowa 1-0 800 16
    15. Oklahoma 1-0 725 10
    16. Virginia Tech 1-0 673 17
    17. Miami 0-1 624 12
    18. Clemson 1-0 564 18
    19. Penn St. 1-0 467 19
    20. Oregon 1-0 436 21
    21. Nebraska 1-0 358 20
    22. California 0-1 212 9
    23. TCU 1-0 198 22
    24. Texas Tech 1-0 196 25
    25. Arizona St. 1-0 134 24
    Others receiving votes: Alabama 96, Wisconsin 35, UCLA 29, Georgia Tech 27, Boise St. 25, South Carolina 13, Boston College 11, Texas A&M 11, Pittsburgh 9, Purdue 9, Rutgers 7, Tulsa 7, Arizona 6, Fresno St. 3, Missouri 3, UTEP 2.
  2. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Talk about burying the lede...


    ...better alert Kasey Kasem!

    OTOH, why shouldn't the Vols be at least 11th, if not higher? Can you name 10 teams with better showings this weekend?
  3. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

  4. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    How the hell does USC jump three spots from No. 6 to No. 3 when no team in front of them lost?

    Good to know beating the shit out of Arkansas carries so much weight with the voters. The rest of the SEC will be pleased.
  5. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    Notre Dame dropped because they struggled with an unranked team. Auburn and W. Virginia dropped because, well, because USC is sexier. :-\
  6. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    Look at that logjam between 10-13.

    Maybe Mr. Whitlock will be happy to share his final ballot with us.
  7. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I'd guess that USC jumped so high was that so many AP voters saw them play.
    If the number I heard was correct, somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 media credentials were issued for that game, and that doesn't include the ESPN production crew.
    Then you have national TV, and in primetime out West.
  8. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Pollsters can and will change their minds. Just part of college football's flaws without a playoff system in place.
  9. nafselon

    nafselon Well-Known Member

    The difference between spots 1-6 weren't large enough to begin with so a three-spot jump might've only be a couple of voters changing their minds.

    However, No. 3 seems about right for the Trojans. They were the only team in the Top 10 to go on the road against a decent opponent and wipe the turf with them.
  10. Hammer Pants

    Hammer Pants Active Member

    And in the coaches' poll, the Vols are No. 17, one spot behind Miami.

  11. Lester Bangs

    Lester Bangs Active Member

    The opener at Arkansas was essentially a referendum on USC's staying power as a national power post-Leinart/Bush. They passed. It won't be surprising if they prove themselves underrated at No. 3.
  12. John

    John Well-Known Member

    Auburn didn't drop any. The Tigers are just sharing No. 4 now.
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