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Stephen A. on Brett Favre

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Monroe Stahr, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Let's not go overboard.

    Not quite a rant, something I don't really know how to define, but it only took Cosell 38 seconds to say what he needed to say.

    SAS was decent here, but let's not toss around superlatives like empty peanut shells.
  2. greenlantern

    greenlantern Guest

    Does he ever not look pissed? Definitely one of the most annoying guys on ESPN.
  3. WoodyWommack

    WoodyWommack Member

    This is the smartest rant I've ever heard from Stephen A. I've already watched it three times and on the final viewing my g/f came into the room and she thought it was hilarious. She doesn't even watch sports and she's tired of hearing about Favre.
  4. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    If I had never heard of SAS before this video, I would like him.

    Thank God I've heard of SAS before this video.
  5. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    Never seen that before. I think he could have just come out and said it. It shouldn't have taken 38 seconds.
  6. broadway joe

    broadway joe Guest

    Perfectly fine rant by SAS. What's the problem?

    If he could stay at that decibel level permanently, he might actually be somewhat watchable.
  7. PeterGibbons

    PeterGibbons Member

    I actually thought it was was of the few tolerable rants I ever listened to by SAS. Normally I flip the channel of hit the stop button no more than 20 seconds after he opens his mouth.

    Maybe ESPN is got electrodes hooked to SAS's balls and give him a shock everytime he hits a certain decibal level? Did anyone else notice he started to get loud then calmed down again?
  8. Gomer

    Gomer Active Member

    We don't get ESPN in Canada so I don't see this guy often and trust that he's the jerkoff everybody here says he is.

    But I couldn't have said it that well, that's for sure.
  9. Damn. You know you have your head up Brett Favre's ass if SAS is the voice of reason.
  10. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    I know
    He pointed out that football is just game and delivered the news to America of one of the most troubling assassinations in our Nation's history.

    He also told the viewers everything they needed to know or all the available information.

    He also showed his disgust that MNF was not being interrupted so ABC News could go into detail.

    There really should be much more Cosell on YouTube. His call of Murcer's hit to win the Munson game amazing.


    How can it be a true rant if you knew you were going to talk about a topic well ahead of time?

    Shouldn't a true rant be extemporaneous?
  11. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    That's ridiculous.
  12. broadway joe

    broadway joe Guest

    Not necessarily. A rant doesn't have to be spontaneous, only vehement.
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