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State of journalism

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Tom Petty, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    we're all aware of what's happening in the field ... jobs are being eliminated.

    what does that do for guys such as myself who are editors and looking to make that one last move?

    what does that do for experienced writers attempting to climb the food chain? what about experienced desk guys and gals?

    the more folks become unemployed, the more the theory of supply and demand takes hold. there will be an increase in people applying for positions they're overqualified to perform, but they'll likely get paid less and less.

    i understand the sky isn't falling, but as the ranks of the unemployed increase, the more those folks will tap into other fields such as public relations, etc., making guys and gals such as us, who hold degrees and experience in journalism, less valuable.

    i hate to say it, but from my vantage point, supply is steadily going up, and demand is heading in the other direction.

    i'd like to know your thoughts.
  2. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    Good question, Thomas.

    I think it creates a situation where people work for low pay, thinking they'll eventually get that pie in the sky that never comes.
  3. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Thank God, Buddha, Zoroaster or whomever else for what you have. Every day.
  4. Jeff_Rake

    Jeff_Rake Member

    This is coming from a stupid college kid, but one thing some people are forgetting is this: the Baby Boomers are starting to creep into retirement age. I know it won't make a significant difference, but it is something. Every little bit counts.
  5. spaceman

    spaceman Active Member

    we ain't dead yet, rookie.
  6. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

  7. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    lee - how many people in other professions, who've busted their asses to get to where they're at, thank god for their own hard work?

    this is no personal attack by any means, but i think it's bullshit to believe we should be thankful to our employers -- or a higher power for that matter -- for what we've earned while giving countless hours of OT to the man.

    finding a false illusion of happiness, relief or whatever you were trying to create seems off base to me.
  8. Scribbling

    Scribbling New Member

    This is a very good question and something I've been contemplating for some time now. I've only been writing professionally for four years now since I left college, but I continue to find myself applying for jobs against writers that are way more qualified than me, but also extremely over-qualified for the job we are both applying for. I've been thinking long and hard about heading in a different direction because I'm afraid I'm just going to one day hit a dead end. Mainly those thoughts are do to the question posed on this thread.

    Any thoughts? I mean, how tough is it now, or becoming, for someone like me to actually advance when it seems others are dropping just in order to have a job and taking those stepping stones that used to be for guys in my situation?
  9. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Tom, I have friends who were/have been out of the business for a year. I've seen people get laid off three weeks before Thanksgiving. That shit gets me on my knees. It's an industry shrinking every day and you never know whether your number's going to be called next.

    If the advice is poor, I suggest something more practical: Have a backup plan.
  10. Jeff_Rake

    Jeff_Rake Member

    Quick question: at what point do newspapers start charging for internet? I know that most newspapers are earning a profit from online right now, but in comparison to what they make off the actual printed paper itself, it's marginal.

    A higher-up from the NYT said when that day comes, all newspapers will probably have to do it at the same time. But when do you guys see that happening, and will it happen?
  11. sartrean

    sartrean Member

    I'm thinking there's really not much need for the high print costs now, except that in my neck of the woods ad clients are reluctant to buy web-based ads, for good reason too. I don't usually notice site ads, except for pop ups when my blocker doesn't work.

    Using video on a newspaper web site, both to provide editorial and advertising content, is what most newspapers will have to do to make the transition from print to web, and as everybody says people want to hold the newspaper, I'm near 40 and I don't know anybody who reads the printed newspaper anymore. Even myself and my coworkers look at everything online.
  12. BillySixty

    BillySixty Member

    Newspapers will never charge for the Internet. How do you do it? There are too many other places to get the same information (for the most part) for free. 'Civilian' journalism will rise and become more popular than it is now.

    I eventually see all newspapers becoming an Internet site first and a newspaper second. I wouldn't be surprised that if in 20 years daily newspapers were a thing of the past and replaced by free, three or four-times a week newspapers that (hopefully) contain better writing, more in-depth stories and commentary and more local, local, local content. Why do you need to buy a daily newspaper when you can get everything on the Web at any time you want?

    We aren't there yet, but we're getting there.
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