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St. Paul backup Twins/GA

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Jersey_Guy, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. busuncle

    busuncle Member

    It's all union scale, so even if you're put on the "minimum" rung of the ladder, you're not going to be cheap for long.

    As for your question... The fact of the matter is that virtually any publicly posted job -- whether it's the Pioneer Press or the Podunk Press -- is going to have an excess of qualified applicants. If you're interested in the job, you might as well apply. And if you don't get it, you'll have plenty of company.
  2. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    i think slater was to replace mark emmert, who ended up in des moines, and posts here.

    as i said, the guy who got the job was the SE at the superior paper. i don't know his name.
  3. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Cool. Thanks for the info.
  4. Screwball

    Screwball Active Member

    This editor wants to see game stories full of analysis and trends rather than play-by-play and cliche quotes to fill space. This editor wants to see imaginative and thorough enterprise stories. This editor wants to see enough variety to feel comfortable sending you to any sporting event, not just baseball games.

    If your clips are "sufficient," I wouldn't bother. You have to be able to sell yourself. But, if your clips are excellent, and they show what this editor will be looking for, why not apply?

    And don't just send a cover letter. Send a list of five enterprise stories you would pursue if they hired you tomorrow and sent you to spring training next week. You're in Minnesota, so you know the market and (presumably) the Twins. Go for it.
  5. keef spoon

    keef spoon Member

    Any news on whether this position has been filled?
  6. mike311gd

    mike311gd Active Member

  7. Pops

    Pops Member

    Several finalists were picked before the public posting. No decisions this week, though.
  8. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    Where did Carter Gaddis wind up, then?
  9. HoopsMcCann

    HoopsMcCann Active Member

    gaddis is still at tampa, doing national mlb stuff
  10. SnoopyBoy

    SnoopyBoy Member

    Who took over for O'brien in Fort worth?
  11. PhilaYank36

    PhilaYank36 Guest

    If they already had finalists, why bother with the posting?
  12. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    Internal shuffling. David Sessions from Stars to Rangers, Tracey Myers from HS/backups to Stars. Not likely to fill the opening. It's likely to eventually be filled by this summer's intern.
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