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Sports Writer, Great Bend (Kan.) Tribune

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by billikens, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. billikens

    billikens Member

    From the Kansas Press Association:

    An established five-day central Kansas daily is seeking a talented journalist to join our sports department. Responsibilities include local sports and feature writing, photography, and some design of sports pages and special sections. Prior experience with Quark, Photoshop, etc. helpful, but will train the right person. Excellent position for recent graduate or experienced person looking for a fun and positive work environment. A strong commitment to community journalism vital. Send resume, references and clips to: Dale Hogg, managing editor, Great Bend Tribune, P.O. Box 228, Great Bend, KS 67530.


    For what it's worth, this is a good position for someone who doesn't mind a small town, because it's flipping small....and in the middle of no where. But the SE, who originally left for a position in Dallas, is back, which provides some stability that's been lacking the last 10 months. Great guy to work with. And as far as "community journalism" goes, as far as I know, with the exception of the occasional summer Babe Ruth tournament, they don't cover anything that's not varsity.

    There are still plenty of good enterprise stories left to do on the Barton County Community College athletic department, which never seems to stay out of the state-wide news.
  2. kamikaze021

    kamikaze021 Member

    1. That's because Barton County keeps getting into trouble.

    2. Anybody know who left Great Bend?
  3. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

    I heard of a couple ex-fresno writers who didn't mind covering f-ed up programs...
  4. billikens

    billikens Member

    And that's kind of what's waiting for someone who wants to go after it. Obviously it's not on the same scale as an NCAA D-I program, but it was big enough for Sports Illustrated to come out and do a four-page feature on. The opportunity is there to go in, kick some ass with some enterprising stories, and move up. The problem is where you have to go to do it.

    And the guy who left was Derek Larson, for a non-sports writing job.
  5. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    I liked crossing paths with the guys who had been in Great Bend for years. They busted their ass and did their job before moving on to better things. Just wanted to add that, because apparently I missed this thread before the crash.
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