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Sports Reporter, Strasburg, Va.

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by Michael_Petre, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. Michael_Petre

    Michael_Petre Member

    As seen on JournalismJobs.com...

    The Northern Virginia Daily, the best small daily newspaper in Virginia, seeks a talented, high-energy sports reporter. Our four-person sports staff places a heavy emphasis on local high schools in a section that averages five pages daily. The ideal candidate will have strong writing and reporting skills and an eye for the human interest stories that take the reader beyond the final score. Daily sports desk and page design experience is a plus. The 6-day-a-week, independently owned newspaper covers the beautiful Northern Shenandoah Valley. A resume, cover letter and at least five work samples should be mailed to sports editor Michael Petre, Northern Virginia Daily, 152 N. Holliday St., Strasburg, Va. 22657, or e-mailed to mpetre@nvdaily.com. Minority applicants encouraged.

    If anyone has questions or comments, drop me a PM or an e-mail.
  2. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Good paper, good people, good area. Don't know this particular SE but one of my good buds is on his staff.

    A former SE at this joint was fired for ripping off verbatim the work of another writer in the state. This paper has no Sunday so he cut and pasted a story from another state paper and ran it under his byline on Monday. This was in 2001 or 2002. He was fired before the day was out.

    Since then, they've had a string of pretty good SEs and the paper has won a lot of awards. It's not far from D.C. and Baltimore.

    I'd jump on this, young folks. Hard.
  3. boots

    boots New Member

    Moddy is right. You won't get rich but you will cut your teeth and if you are patient and good enough, will move on.
  4. Hustle

    Hustle Guest

    I don't know everyone out there, but the ones I have dealt with are quality people.

    They're right in saying they're the best small paper in the state - they routinely clean up with awards, etc. More important that that, it's just a good paper, as others have stated.
  5. DrewWilson

    DrewWilson Member

    who left?
  6. JME

    JME Member

    I don't know a ton about the paper, other than its solid rep, but I do know the SE, who is an enterprising, ambitious young guy. This would be a good job for a similarly ambitious reporter.
  7. Michael_Petre

    Michael_Petre Member

    We lost one Matt Stanmyre, the young effin' stud of our staff.

    He's headed to bigger and better things at the Potomac News.
  8. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I think I met Matt up at Region B golf in New Market last year. Good dude.
  9. Hustle

    Hustle Guest

    Wow, that's news to me. What great communication we have!
  10. giantjay25

    giantjay25 Member

    Any sort of coverage beyond locally here? Any of the big Virginia colleges? Pros?
  11. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I believe they do game coverage of the Redskins and Virginia and Virginia Tech, but that's probably on your own time and isn't built into a schedule already loaded with preps.
  12. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    Really the wrong question, I think, if you're looking at a setting like that.
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