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Sports Editor - LaGrange GA

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by lovelyjoy, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. lovelyjoy

    lovelyjoy New Member

    A bigger paper has hired our wonderful sports editor - good for them! - creating a great opportunity in a great sports town. LaGrange Daily News' two-person sports department gives big time focus to prep sports (three high schools) and emerging Division III college program. Paper is consistent general excellence winner in its size category (circ 11,000) and sports department has won a boatload of awards, too. Editor likes sports but will leave sports department alone as long as the job's being done well. No meddling! Proximity to Atlanta and Auburn, plus abundant talent from this area allow for some coverage of college and pro sports, too. Family-owned chain offers stability, competitive salaries and decent benefits. Do a good job and we'll help you advance, if that's what you want - or enjoy the outstanding quality of life in LaGrange, a progressive small city about 1 hour south of Atlanta on beautiful West Point Lake. Send resumes and letter describing career goals to Andrea Lovejoy, editor, LaGrange Daily News, P.O. Box 929, LaGrange, GA. 30241 or better still, email to editor@lagrangenews.com . Time is of the essence. With fall sports looming, we're looking to make a choice soon.
  2. Luvs2Write

    Luvs2Write New Member

    Since I know the red flags start flying when there are two openings at one paper, but here's the deal: It just happened to work out that way. Kevin was an awesome editor, but he took the job in Albany, and I am leaving the sports writing position to teach high school English. The paper is great opportunity for writers and editors. For the size of the paper and town, the pay is good and so are the benefits.

    PM me if you want any more information. I'll still be at the paper another few weeks before I officially say my goodbyes!
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