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Sports Editor, Fayetteville, NC

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by sgaleadfoot, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. bp6316

    bp6316 Member

    I won't use this as a chance to accuse or anything like that. I will just point out that the original post about my license issue was actually posted before I got back home. None of my friends and/or coworkers were aware of the situation yet.

    Take that for what it's worth.

    Also, thank you to all of you that are casting support. It's always nice to see that there are actually good folks left in this business.
  2. dixiehack

    dixiehack Well-Known Member

    You don't need this grief bp. Go to Hungry Horse where you'll be loved.
  3. nitrobreath

    nitrobreath Member

    Tarheel316: Believe me, my characterization is not an assumption.
  4. bp6316

    bp6316 Member

    I've always wanted to live in the middle of nowhere in Montana. I should look into this. :D

    Thanks again for the support guys.
  5. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    fuck man, it's only an expired liscence. got a ticket for it once myself many years ago ... believe it only was $58 back then and wasn't reported to my insurance.

    please bp, feel absolutely zero embarrassment on this one because none should be had. some people are just doube bags ... but, you do have to tell, how was that freakin' bus ride?
  6. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    Tom Petty, what's a "doube" bag?
  7. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    sorry about the typo ... i meant doobie bag. a place to store a spent roach ... or would that be a roach bag?
  8. bp6316

    bp6316 Member

    There is nothing more down-home American than the Greyhound bus ride.

    Yeah, that's it....down-home American... ;D

    Fortunately it was only just over an hour, so nothing too bad happened. But oh man do I have some stories from when I would ride as a kid to see my dad....but that's worth a totally different thread post.

    And as for the license. It wasn't even expired. It had been renewed. I had the little form saying that and everything. Totally good for me to drive on....just not good enough to rent a car on. Oh well. I found a way to make the best of the situation. And aside from a couple of bad comments on here since, everyone has been great about it. Thanks again for the support though Petty.
  9. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    So why isn't the internal candidate posting on here?
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    damn, i was hoping for for a few foul odor stories, but i am glad it wasn't too bad for you.
  11. bp6316

    bp6316 Member

    Well there was plenty of that....fortunately I sat next to a decent smelling young man. He did snore though. I can live with that though.
  12. briantolley

    briantolley New Member

    I was disappointed to see a couple of the posts here critical of Brandon.

    He did us a favor by agreeing to fly into Raleigh and save us a few hundred dollars on airfare. We aren't a big enough paper to be buying very many $700 tickets for candidates from the West Coast. So the blame for any troubles with his transportation belongs at my door, not Brandon's.

    Have his stuff together? He handled the rental fiasco with grace and a sense of humor. Presented a problem, he never got flustered and made it here on his own. He put in a ton of work just to get the interview, then lugged 20 pounds of newspapers across country so everyone could see his work. He put together a powerpoint presentation that showed creativity, energy and a clear picture of his vision for a sports section.

    I don't know if we'll choose Brandon, or if Brandon will choose us, but I do know he acquitted himself very well here on his visit and has a bright future in the business.

    I don't know if the posts in question are from our staffers, but I can say they do not represent the values and standards we embrace. Whatever our role in this thread is, I apologize to Brandon for it.

    Brian Tolley, Fayetteville Observer
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