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Sporting News on life support

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by NYknight, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. baddecision

    baddecision Active Member

    Who will be the next idiot publisher to piss away salary, staff morale and employees' livelihoods propping up this cackling, opposite-of-competent, grinning, jocksniffing, empty-suit fraud?

    Karma, you work slowly sometimes -- but it appears that eventually, the job gets done.

  2. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    Bad, are you referring to Garry or someone else?
  3. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    The iPad app is a smashing success in terms of downloads.
    The website ranks in the top 10. Bleacher Report, with similar traffic and lesser quality, was just sold for $175 million.
    They'll publish nearly as many yearbooks next year as they did magazine issues in 2012.
    You clowns have been trying to kill The Sporting News for as long as this site has been around. A newspaper goes to 3 days a week and you all bleed all over this place. But when it comes to TSN you're the ones wielding the machetes. Hope that makes you feel warm at night.
  4. Joe Williams

    Joe Williams Well-Known Member

    At least Dunder-Mifflin outlasted Michael Scott. Then again, "The Office" hasn't.
  5. NYknight

    NYknight Guest

    To Drip's point, again, nothing of this scale is on one guy. GH is just a very easy target because of his incompetence and ego. The ME has been responsible for running a lot of good people off. He has the opposite personality--think Heinrich Himmler--and that has really hurt morale.
  6. Doc Holliday

    Doc Holliday Well-Known Member

    Twoback, why so angry? I'm not trying to kill TSN. Just gave a small opinion that it wasn't at the top of my list of magazines to read. I think that's a fair assessment. But, thank you, I do sleep warm at night. ;)
  7. formere

    formere New Member

    Agree with Doc, I don't think anyone is out here to kill SN or see people lose their jobs. Because I think a decent number of us have/know people who work at SN and as I stated before, they are some great writers/editors who are working under some pretty crappy conditions with no defined future in sight.

    My main concern would be, how are they going to keep going financially? The iPad app is nice, hopefully they'll keep it free. That seems to be what killed Sporting News Today. You can't offer something for free then expect people to pay for it. There are too many other ways to get said information.

    It is great they're bringing yearbooks back but I've heard it's only 5 or 6, which is well under the number of mags they put out last year.

    To me, it just doesn't add up to a successful future and like many print operations, I don't know if there's a remedy. I guess we'll see in a month if what the original poster said was true, that there are going to be more layoffs in Dec.
  8. geddymurphy

    geddymurphy Member

    When they got FanHouse, they finally started covering soccer. And it's one sport in which they have an essential voice (Brian Straus).
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