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Seeking professional (psychiatric) help...

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by The New Guy, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. The New Guy

    The New Guy New Member

    Hey, fake name from a regular poster here with an embarrassing question.  I'm not sure where to turn, but I think I'm going to seek professional help pretty soon. How does one go about searching for this kind of help, or do I just grit my teeth and wait for the storm to pass?

    [Ironically, I'm exhibiting some of the characteristics descriptive of the personality disorder in this very post.]

    I'm not suicidal and not begging for attention, but there are some things that build up on me at times to the point I have a hard time dealing with them on my own.  My work has been affected lately because I can't concentrate on something for more than a few seconds at a time.

    I took an online test and got the results below. The description of the "avoidant" disorder really hit home.  Thanks in advance for the advice on how to find a good shrink (yellow pages)?

    Disorder | Rating
    Paranoid: Very High
    Schizoid: High
    Schizotypal: Very High
    Antisocial: Moderate
    Borderline: Moderate
    Histrionic: High
    Narcissistic: High
    Avoidant: Very High
    Dependent: High
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

    URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv
    URL for more info: http://www.4degreez.com/disorder/index.html

  2. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    If you are in a decently sized city, there's a physicians' reference service. Your regular doc could also recommend somebody.

    And DO NOT ever assume that you need "professional help" until your regular doc has ruled out physical factors. A certain amount of anxiety sufferers are actually having thyroid problems, for instance.
  3. The New Guy

    The New Guy New Member

    Oops! I haven't seen a doctor in over a decade. My mom's a nurse so I rely on her for the nickle & dime stuff. Maybe a physical check-up would be a good first step. Thanks.
  4. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    That test looks pretty weak, New Guy.

    Wouldn't hurt to talk to someone, though.
  5. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    The test is incredibly weak. I wouldn't put a lot of credibility into it.

    Your issue may even be physiological rather than psychological. Even changes to your diet could eliminate some of the problems. Fluctuations in blood sugar or high counts of allergy-related antigens could cause a lot of problems that seem to be mental. You body can be trying to get your attention.

    Do you drink a lot of sugary, caffeinated beverages? Do you eat a lot of carbs? Try scaling back; don't eliminate everything entirely without getting a checkup, though.
  6. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Let me second the suggestion that you begin with your family doctor or any GP. Rule out physical causes and get a referral if it's warranted. Also, be prepared to try several different psychiatric specialists. There are lots of different types of therapy and you need to find one that feels right for you and a person you feel comfortable with.

    Most important, start the process. I hesitated for a long time before making the jump last winter and it's changed my life. I wish I had done it sooner.

    Good luck!
  7. tonysoprano

    tonysoprano Member

    I agree with what they said above. And I add in too - can only help if you're religious. Proven, medical fact.
  8. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    Yes. Schedule a checkup. Your new doc will ask you all sorts of questions and you can be up front and explain your situation. She/he will be able to forward you to the appropriate place. Sometimes a simple prescription can help with a lot of things.
  9. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Agree with what HC said. The first step is the hardest one.

    And yes, get more than one opinion -- no one doctor is a be-all, end-all source of help. And be prepared to be honest with yourself -- much of therapy, in my experience, is not what a doctor tells you or advises you, but it's what you bring out of yourself. The doctor is there to guide you through that process, not do it for you.

    Good luck. And if you have any questions, feel free to PM. Always willing to lend an ear.
  10. PaseanaARG

    PaseanaARG Guest

    It's basically impossible for someone to be "moderately" (ie "not") antisocial/boderline, then "very high" in terms of avoidance.

    I also vote for a visit with the GP. Concentration is something that can be corrected/improved/regained in a variety of ways. Not a problem.
  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    HC is right. There's a big ego check involved in admitting you need help but your strength is shown when you do admit it. I've been in therapy since March -- vicarious traumatization and anxiety.
    Check the website for your local mental health association. It will help you take the right direction.
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