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Savages kill three, leave hubby for dead in CT robbery

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by BYH, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Jesus, this gets tiresome.
    Here's a solution, OK?
    Let's be a mature polity and not make important decisions based in our visceral reaction to the atrocity du jour. Let's not launch a futile and stupid "war" on drugs because Len Bias died. Let's not put in place ludicrously disproportionate sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine vis a vis powder cocaine because of a bunch of scare headlines in the newspapers and "very special reports" by the TV idiots. Let's not put judges in straitjackets because of what we believe about crime, even if it's not remotely related to the actual statistics or facts on the ground. Let's not lash out blindly at the wrong country because we're angry and hurt over a terrorist attack. Let's not start slamming burglars in jail for 20 years because of what happened in Connecticut. Let's think before we act.
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    We've tried it your way for the past 20 years and failed, now lets try it a different way. Fuckem hard and fuckem long and fuckem early.
  3. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Fen, you've suggested things we shouldn't do. Now how about suggesting things we SHOULD do.
  4. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member


    Thanks Mike . Say Hi to Kitty.
  5. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Ex Post Facto Rage? all emotion occurs after the fact.
    Mandatory Minimums haven't worked because only the Feds really carry it out with any consistency and they account for possibly 1% of all criminal prosecutions in America.

    Damn right no parole for burglars and robbers and armed assault and sex offenders and child abusers and vulnerable adult abusers and those that assume others identity to steal. And fuck the car thieves, mandatory jail time. Steal a car, go to jail.

    Put them in jail and keep them there. No excuses.

    The best thing that could happen to this country in terms of justice is for a good old fashion hanging. These 2 guys should hang, no trial no bull shit, no psych evaluations and anyone that tries to cut them down should be horse whipped.
  6. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    FB....what should we do? Not what we should avoid doing.......so far your only proposal is be a mature polity, and think before we act.

    My suggestion....stop putting petty drug offenders in prison, with the money saved there...put into detox beds and drug rehab facilities.

    Repeat offenders for guns, burglary, assaults, etc. need to do serious jailtime.
  7. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    And by the way F_B, the usual tirade about disproportionate sentences concerning crack and powder is tiresome, especially because those that bitch never ask to increase the powder sentences, only decrease the crack sentences. And if you lived in my community PG County Maryland) during the 1980's & 90s, you'd have a goddman clue about the difference between Buffy and Biff doin lines at the club versus D'Andre, Black and Boo sling crack and 9mm down the corner.
  8. Platyrhynchos

    Platyrhynchos Active Member

    The two guys I mentioned earlier are


    Their incarceration level is special management, which means 23 hours locked up, one hour a day out for exercise — with no one else around.
  9. Well, I could suggest that everybody be hung. That's a solution.
    Not doing something stupid is a solution. It leaves open the opportunity to be smart, to put in place policies that are tested and that actually work. The drug laws are a good example, and I agree totally with the notion that the whole system of how we relate to substances of which the FDA does not approve should be overhauled. More and better community policing. Smaller, more manageable prisons. A genuine distinction between nonviolent and violent offenders. Throw mandatory minimums on the ashheap where they belong; 'yab, it's the federal judges who are most against them. I'd suggest actually doing something about the societal influences that lead to crime, but I don't want to set anyone off to yelling about dungeons again.
    Oh, and leave the Constitution alone and keep your medievalism to yourself.
    Be smart. Be flexible. Leave your gut at home. And recognize that, sometimes, nothing you do is enough.
    And 'yab, don't play the credential card with me, OK? I was covering cops and robbers in the late 1970s and early 80's, when crack boomed. The difference is that Buffy and Biff were white and that their Daddy, Biff Senior, was laundering the crack dealer's money down at the bank.
  10. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    I read the rather gruesome and hideous details of that crime. Horrid stuff.
  11. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Mission Accomplished

    Good, but when Biff and Buffy were getting high, Tad wasn't doing drive bys. Crack made drugs look bad. We were so close to getting marijuanna decriminalized when the boyz on the street couldn't deal with getting high in a civilized manner.
  12. StormSurge

    StormSurge Active Member

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