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Running Shoes - 2012

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Shoeless Joe, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    I don't know if there was an answer, and I don't know if I really have an answer, but if it's a dirt road I'd think any quality shoe would get you there and back again. I don't necessarily think you'd need the same type shoe as if you were spending time in the woods jumping rocks and stuff.
  2. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Just had to share this ...

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  3. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    That's funny.

    By the way, today is National Running Day. Lace up and get out there.
  4. SixToe

    SixToe Well-Known Member

    Or, sans laces, slide into your individual toe feetshoes and get out there.
  5. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    I am a sneaker-aholic but have never really been a runner. Last couple of months started getting up to run some with our puppy to get him some exercise. Had some Nike Lunarglides that I used for walking around and they were fairly comfortable. I do a series of sprints and then walking rather than jogging.

    Just got some Nike Free +3s because my kid was raving about his ones and let me tell you, they are phenomenal, amazing. I cannot stand to wear anything else during the day except my frees. I am not that large and have narrow feet. The Nikes are perfect, cushioned. I wish every shoe I wore for hoops and golf were frees.
  6. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    Ran 13.1 this morning and feel pretty dang good about the accomplishment. It wasn't a half marathon, just half marathon training run on my own.
  7. I'll never tell

    I'll never tell Active Member

    I recently switched from Saucony to the Mizuno Wave and I'm really digging them. For what it's worth.
  8. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I picked up a pair of the Brooks PureConnects. Still trying to figure them out after two runs. Very snug fit, which is normal for the shoe. Light as anything. You feel like you have barely anything on your feet. I run comfortably in them, so they may be a winner. Only small complaint so far, is that the back digs in a bit, but I have read that gets better with time. Getting used to it. Do you run with or without socks with these? They breathe well, and with that glove-like fit, I want to run without socks, but not used to that.
  9. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    I started this thread on Feb. 28 asking advice about running shoes. And to quote myself from the first post "I'm not 'becoming a runner' but have started running to do a one-off event in a couple of months."

    Boy, was I wrong.

    I ran my first half marathon this morning, and feel incredible about it. I wasn't anywhere near the winner (1:11) but ran 1:53 on a pretty hilly course in Johnson City. Since I started running, I've lost more than 30 pounds and have discovered a lot about myself and the human spirit. Now it's time to start focusing on doing a full marathon in the spring. I just wanted to share.
  10. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Great work, congrats.
  11. I've started running 5Ks in my area (I've done about five so far) and am enjoying it. Won my age division in a small race yesterday, in fact.

    Looked at a number of different running shoes but really like Karhu (www.karhu.com). I've picked up a pair of race day shoes and and two trainers.
  12. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    OK, time to brag on myself some more: I ran my second half marathon on Saturday and clocked a 1:47.37, beating my time in the first one a month ago by six minutes.
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