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Rudy: Vote Republican or YOU WILL DIE

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by dog428, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Why does anyone even talk about Rudy as a presidential candidate?

    He has absolutely no chance, zero, of winning the Republican nomination. Can you imagine the conservative Republicans in those red states down south and west allowing a New York liberal to win the primaries?
  2. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Thanks, FB. I missed about half the show, but I'm taping it right now. :)
  3. Rok --
    You're going to throw up. Sorry.
    Jonathan Landay and the KR guys need a parade.
  4. blueview

    blueview Member

    Politics aside, Giuliani is a bully. What worked to clean up New York won't work when it comes to cleaning up America and certainly won't work when it comes to international relations.
  5. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    Did you predict that it would work in NY?
  6. jimmymcd

    jimmymcd Guest

    Giuliani has way too much baggage to even get the nomination. Acting like a tough guy based on his response to 9/11 is just a bit nauseating.
  7. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Huh, this guy's name doesn't ring a bell.

    If he's affiliated with Turd Blossom though, f him! :)
  8. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Now that it's finally showing in the Mountain time zone, I now remember our EE sending out an e-mail telling us to watch this b/c the KR guys (which is what we were at the time) were at ahead of the curve on this stuff.

    Landay isn't affliated with Cheney. He's one of the KR guys.
  9. Rok --

    Landay is one of the KR guys who took apart the stovepiped "evidence" for the war in Iraq and demonstrated the essential fraud. He's a giant.
  10. RokSki

    RokSki New Member

    Thanks, FB. I read your sentence wrong. They do need a parade. :)
  11. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    Which party held the presidency on September 11th, 2001, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which party held the mayoralty of New York on that date, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which party assured New Yorkers that the air was safe, and the remains of the dead, recovered - and not being used to fill pot-holes, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which party wanted what the terrorists wanted - the postponement elections - and to whose personal advantage would that have redounded, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which mayor of New York was elected eight months after the first attack on the World Trade Center, yet did not emphasize counter-terror in the same city for the next eight years, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which party had proposed to turn over the Department of Homeland Security to Bernard Kerik, Mr. Giuliani?

    Who wanted to ignore and hide Kerik's Organized Crime allegations, Mr. Giuliani?

    Who personally argued to the White House that Kerik need not be vetted, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which party rode roughshod over Americans' rights while braying that it was actually protecting them, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which party took this country into the most utterly backwards, utterly counter-productive, utterly ruinous war in our history, Mr. Giuliani?

    Which party has been in office as more Americans were killed in the pointless fields of Iraq, than were killed in the consuming nightmare of 9/11, Mr. Giuliani?

    Drop this argument, sir. You will lose it." --Olbermann
  12. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    Being a total creep got him to the brink, but this pushed him over for me.
    No Rudy.
    Come on, folks. Give me someone I can vote for.
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