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RIP: Print media guides in the ACC

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by ondeadline, May 13, 2009.

  1. ondeadline

    ondeadline Well-Known Member


    In one of the league's cost-cutting moves, media guides will only be available online or with memory sticks using PDFs. That includes all individual sports and league media guides.

    I know that, for the most part, I've been looking up information on the Web sites of schools. But there are times when you are in a hurry and are familiar with the print version of the media guide that you can find a fact faster with the print edition.

    This move surprises me a bit. I've always thought that schools looked at these things more as a recruiting tool than a media guide.
  2. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    The idea of media guides on jump drives is gaining a lot of traction.
    It is my understandig there's even technology available that will update stats on there off some data base when you plug it into your computer.
    It wasn't as expensive as you might guess.

    I still like the book folded open next to me - but that dinosauric idea is going by the wayside fast.

    Plus, it's a lot easier to transport 100 jump drives than it is 100 media guides.
  3. SamMalone16

    SamMalone16 New Member

    I read it as the league is eliminating printed guides. I didn't see where the league was mandating it for individual schools.
  4. mdpoppy

    mdpoppy Member

    I haven't even bothered picking up the media guides the past couple years as Big Ten teams have them all as PDFs online.
  5. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I thought part of doing the media guides was their use in recruiting? Oh well. Can't believe many recruits are swayed by a media guide anyway.
  6. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Seriously, sending them the drives might be more impressive these days than giving them the print guides, and I imagine the cost savings are considerable.
  7. pressmurphy

    pressmurphy Member

    If I'm not mistaken, MLB did the Green and Reed books this year exclusively as PDF/online productions.

    Can anyone verify?
  8. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    The LPGA went online with its media guide this year. The PGA/Champions/Nationwide tours are doing the same next year.

    I like having the hard copy, but then again, whenever I'm doing a release or something, I always end up going online anyway because the information is more up-to-date.
  9. JBHawkEye

    JBHawkEye Well-Known Member

    Yes. I downloaded mine a few weeks ago.
  10. Jersey_Guy

    Jersey_Guy Active Member

    An overdue move IMO
  11. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    Now that computers are faster the online PDFS are great. Although many college websites are so cluttered with horse shit and pop up ads that I would rather grab the print guide.
  12. jfs1000

    jfs1000 Member

    Umm, they will make a guide, they just won't send it out to every darn writer in the FWAA. I can't say that this is a bad idea. I just got my Texas spring guide in the mail a month ago and it cost $5 to send. I am not anywhere near that team or Big 12 football. think how much money in postage and printing they use.
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