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Real story behind the demise of the Las Vegas Sun

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by sjsilver, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. sjsilver

    sjsilver New Member

    Very interesting look at my former employer:


    "Right after (Rob) Curley arrived in Vegas, evidence surfaced that the hyperlocal model he'd had such success with in Kansas might not translate in other communities. The Wall Street Journal published an article declaring LoudounExtra.com a flop, and the Washington Post eventually dismantled the site. Some of the reporters in the Sun's newsroom began to doubt the claims coming out of the interactive division, reports of incredible page views and videos with a million hits. They took to calling Curley "Harold Hill," after the main character from the Music Man, a con man who poses as the leader of a marching band and steals money from unsuspecting townsfolk."
  2. VJ

    VJ Member

    Pretty sure it would take more than one page to fully explain the demise of The Washington Times.
  3. Whaddaya know, the emperor has no clothes. Shocking. And of course, he continues to play the fiddle while the paper burns:

    "Many former and current employees wonder whether the company's investment in the Internet sped its demise, and whether its attempt to create a new business model ultimately hurt the bottom line. Curley is still at the Sun, the beneficiary of a five-year contract. And Allison said the company is still bullish on the Internet."
  4. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Curley sounds like the kind of guy who would hire "lovely and talented..."
    What a tool...
  5. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    But, hey, if you worked for him free Cliff Bars and Red Bull.

    And like lots of other people preaching the wonders of the interwebs, it turns out that, in the end, they are full of shit.

    Jeff Jarvis, come on down.
    Doc Holliday likes this.
  6. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    I've met Curley and know someone who has worked under him in the past.

    He's not an evil person at all. I'm told he's fine to work under as long as you bust your ass.

    It's very much a fair question to wonder if his strategy will ever be profitable. I don't think he's proven that yet.
  7. fishwrapper

    fishwrapper Active Member

    Shaggy is absolutely right.
    Rob Curley is a fine man. Even a good boss.

    Now, let me be clear: His visions are mirages.
  8. GBNF

    GBNF Well-Known Member

    Whew, glad I didn't get on that sinking ship when they offered. Never really considered making the jump, but now I'm even more glad I didn't.

    Great story though, especially because Berzon is my cousin and I know what she went through.
  9. Fredrick

    Fredrick Well-Known Member

    Tell us more.
    From reading the story, I find it difficult to believe this person could start a new TV company and spend all this money, ultimately fail, and still be valued by the company.
    We're talking millions of dollars he was responsible for losing, the gutting of the newspaper apparently, and yet he's still valued.
    I know sports journalists who've gotten criticized by the managing editor and publisher for staying in a Marriott on the road when they should have stayed at a Super Eight. That's oh, 40 dollar difference. We're talking millions here and still this person is a valued employee? Oh it's because he's an Internet expert I guess and the Internet is the future, you know.
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Is he still valued or still under contract?
  11. Fredrick

    Fredrick Well-Known Member

    Good question Ace. From the tone of the story it seemed to me he was still valued.
  12. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    It's a fair point.
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