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Question about TV report

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by imjustagirl, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. spikechiquet

    spikechiquet Well-Known Member

    To take your example and move it to the extreme...

    The networks should have never have never put up a live shot of the towers on Sept. 11....Katie Couric should have just just said, "Welcome back to 'Today on NBC'. There is a incident happening in downtown New York as the twin towers have been appartently struck. We'll bring you details as we get them."

    TV is always about the now. Print is a 'one-shot, on the page and it's down for good' medium. TV is live (and for the most part) forgetable after it airs (minus that who YouTube thing). Sure, they want to be right. But for the most part they want to be the first to get the info out.

    Is it wrong? That's a whole 'nother apple to chew on. Try hitting the TV message boards for that one. I bet NO ONE ever asks that question! :)
  2. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    I think that's apples and oranges, but I completely see your point.
  3. Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge Well-Known Member

    The reporter sounds like she rushed to the scene and didn't have a lot of info. I don't think it would've been a crime to tell the desk to hold off on the live shot while she got some FACTS like the age of the kid who died. Whether its immediate or not, our profession still comes down to getting the facts of the story right. If you talk to police and they later change the info, that's on them not you. But a reporter shouldn't go on and say neighbors say a 14-year old boy died.

    If anyone's interested this guy has some pretty good writing tips. He's a longtime ABC and CBS producer.

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