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Odd situation, what would you have done?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jeremy Goodwin, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    That's my thought. I can't imagine leaving my door unlocked, I really can't imagine seeing someone opening my door and not grabbing the nearest weapon and immediately start yelling. Just a bizarre situation all the way around.
  2. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Active Member

    I wouldn't be surprised if he was on drugs.
    Boobie, he asked to go to the bathroom, but never did. He went it, but didn't close the door. I'm not sure why he went into my room, but as soon as he did I went in there and kept a very close eye on him. He kept on using tissues to wipe off sweat. The tissues were in my room. Maybe sweating from drugs, maybe from the +90 heat. His inconsistencies (possibly from drugs) do have me a little uneasy. I'm glad that when I leave and come back my computer and some other valuables are still here. And I have checked the around the toilet in case he did try to hide drugs.

    Angola!, I wish i had some sort of weapon around, unfortunately he caught me off guard. I was in the kitchen, but I'm not one to assume that if someone is knocking on my door that I'll need to bring a knife, just in case.

    Buckweaver: This has taught me a great lesson and the habit of not locking doors is broken.
  3. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Jeremy - I probably wouldn't have grabbed a knife either, but whenever there are unexpected knocks at my door - at least when I lived in apartments - I would make sure I had something handy or at least close by.
    But, then again, I am wary as a person and I have lived in some sketchy apartment complexs.
    Like Buck said, I would get in the habit of always locking your door no matter if you live near a bunch of sweet old ladies or not.
  4. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    So am I the only one whose bullshit detector is in the red?
  5. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Ehh bite me Bucky. :D :D

    I don't get it. I grew up in the middle of fucking nowhere with two of the most protective parents imaginable. And going back to college, I never, ever failed to lock my door.
  6. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Having dated more than my fair share of guys this age, they NEVER fucking lock the door, ever. I'm really shocked I never woke up to some scary freak in my apartment when I was dating the boy toy. Jackass would leave for work at like 5 a.m. and leave the door unlocked.
  7. buckweaver

    buckweaver Active Member

    Same here, Beej. That generation has been so overguided that they haven't learned how to think. They only get it when they finally experience it for themselves ... or when they get fucked over.
  8. Meat Loaf

    Meat Loaf Guest

    Jeremy, you're a moron.

    That out of the way, I carry a gun or knife at all times. If someone knocks on my door, I make sure the .38 is is in hand behind my back. Why? Because I have no family in town and I rarely have friends over to just drop by.

    You just never know these days.
  9. dargan

    dargan Active Member

    "... I was rolling a giant doughnut and there was this snake in a vest ..."

    But seriously ...

    I don't even live in a big city and I keep both locks on my door locked at all times. I won't answer the door unless it's a family member, friend, or the cable dude who I set an appointment for to fix my HD. I don't even open the door for UPS guys or people with my apartment complex.

    That said, a weapon isn't a bad idea. Few things will scare off people like the click-click of a pump-action 12-gauge. You don't even have to keep it loaded. Just be sure the person on the other side of the door or whatever can hear that sweet "click-click." It's like music, I'm telling you.

    The aforementioned baseball bat is a smart alternative as well. My uncle uses the term, "crown somebody with an Easton." He doesn't have a gun, but a couple $300 Easton softball bats and one serious dog in the back yard.

    Another thing to consider is this ... how big a boy was this fella? I'm not in the least suggesting you starting a physical confrontation with a stranger, but it is your apartment, your territory. You may not have needed a weapon to defend it.

    That said, you can take all the questions out of the equation with a good 12-gauge pump for $150-$200, pretty cheap.
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i'm sorry to hear that. life must suck for you.
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