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Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Starman, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

  2. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    As has been pointed out even by members of OWS itself, getting kicked out by Bloomberg was about the luckiest break they could have gotten politically. Now they are forced to come up with some new ideas instead of just gradually degrading into a particularly lame NYC tourist attraction. If Bloomberg had brain one, he would have let that happen.
  3. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I agree. The BILLIONAIRE Mayor using sneaky tactics to stop OWS protesters won't play very well ...
  4. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    Injunction overturned. Temporary indeed.
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Get down there Az, the Library needs restocking:

    @effSharlet -- JeffSharlet

    #ows library needs books. Bring in person. Not in boxes. Cops won't allow boxes. But books are hard to deny.

    Of course, they don't need them for people to read, they just need them there for the Library.
  6. You're on a board full of writers, you've shown your appreciation for the power of the written word and you can't see past your cynicsm to consider that at least maybe folks who believe in their cause could seek inspiration from books?

    I know folks who are down there. Educated, employed types, who have spoken about how the library is one of their favorite things there because it offers an exchange of ideas, which shouldn't be that hard to believe given that attitude mirrors the overall philosophy of the movement.

    Go ahead and disagree with the protesters, but try not to be so cynical as to completely dismiss the notion that folks there wanted books to, you know, read them.

    YGBFKM Guest

    I envy them. I'd like to spend my days reading. Unfortunately, I have a pesky job that takes up too much of my time. Someday, though, I hope to transition into a life of educated loitering.
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Give me a break.

    The library, like the entire "occupation", was designed from the start to evoke sympathy, when this day eventually came.

    "They took our books!"

    The New York City Public Library system is probably the best in the country:


    Plenty of branches in Manhattan.

    That ragtag collection of worn, soft cover books wasn't a library. It was a place for New York City liberals to bring the books that are overflowing their bookshelves.
  9. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    This is great:


    The Occupy Wall Street Library catalog.

    It's like a peek into the mind of a liberal.

    Well, I have my reading list for the next 10 years.

    All of you participating in Secret Santa who are struggling for ideas ought to check it out.
  10. Eh, it's not worth getting too deep into this one other than to say agree to disagree because that's where we're headed, but just a couple of quick things here:

    YGBFKM -- As I said in the earlier post, I am speaking of employed folks who still volunteer their time to be there -- a lot of it, for that matter -- because it's a cause they believe in. Many others believe in it because they, too, used to have a "pesky job" that got in the way, but for reasons that had nothing to do with their skill or work ethic no longer do. They're also doing a lot more than reading there, but we'll agree to disagree there.

    YF -- You're pretty much repeating the same thing you said before my last comment so making a new one doesn't seem too productive other than to say I'm surprised you can't at least consider an alternative to your theory, regardless of your feelings on the protest.
  11. YGBFKM

    YGBFKM Guest

    The people who brought the Hannity and Savage books were beaten with the Collected Works of Lenin.
  12. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Oscar, I'm as Conservative as anyone on the board, but I try to call it like I see it.

    So, if you want to tell me that Herman Cain and/or Rick Perry are buffoons unfit to lead our country, you're not going to get much of an argument from me.

    But, when you tell me that the Occupy Wall Street Library served some legitimate need or purpose, you're asking too much.

    Don't try to kid a kidder.

    It's B.S.

    It wasn't organic, it was a rip off of Tahrir Square. Where, possession of the wrong book could get you thrown in jail.
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