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New York State: Consensus Reached on Religious Exemptions in Gay Marriage Bill

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by YankeeFan, Jun 24, 2011.

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  1. printdust

    printdust New Member

    but yet, not by the will of the people, who will hopefully vote out people who didn't represent THEM in a REPRESENTATIVE government.
  2. printdust

    printdust New Member

    But just wait. The militants' ramrodding is coming their way, the will of the people be damned.
  3. Iron_chet

    Iron_chet Well-Known Member

    Freudian slip?
  4. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    You realize that's the exact same argument those opposing civil rights advances pushed. First of all, I think you're making a big assumption that denying gays rights is the will of the people. Second of all, even if it is, so what? We vote for representatives not to rubber-stamp our base passions, but to do what is best after looking at all sides. We were never intended to be governed by a voice vote from a vast meeting in a field. And we have stuff like courts as part of the process to protect minorities, not just as a group of people who make you stamp your feets.
  5. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    You have a couple of assumptions, but we all know what they say about them.

    As for the first point, if less than 1 percent of homosexuals participate in gay pride marches and only a percentage of that acting like those I depicted, why do they get so much publicity in the public compared to their numbers?

    I don't like it when scantily clad women are out in public acting like idiots, either.

    No need for personal attacks, either.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That is one person and even in her case, you really don't know if that was why she became a lesbian. Maybe she always was one. You really don't know.

    Nevermind. Obviously, this discussion won't go well.
  7. Trouser_Buddah

    Trouser_Buddah Active Member

    I grew up with an alcoholic father who was never around and spent all our money on booze and gambling. Clearly, this environment led to my heterosexuality.

    I never had a chance.
  8. Trouser_Buddah

    Trouser_Buddah Active Member

    Since you're celibate, wouldn't you have lived an asexual life for decades?
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