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New Wilco

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Dick Whitman, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    Wondering what others think. I am loving it so far, probably more than any album since "A Ghost is Born" and possibly "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot." In fact, the first song - the way Tweedy's voice kind of just rises out of some background noise, reminds me a lot of "I Am Trying to Break Your Heart." It feels like they really put a lot of work into it. I've only listened a couple times so far in the car, so I'll probably really start to differentiate between the tracks as the week goes on, but it's already an album I keep coming back to because it just sounds so interesting.
  2. John

    John Well-Known Member

    I keep trying with Wilco, and I want to really like the band, but the connection just isn't there.

    Meanwhile, I like Uncle Tupelo, Son Volt and Farrar's solo stuff more than ever.

  3. westcoastvol

    westcoastvol Active Member

    Reminds me a lot of YFT more than any other record.

    I like the edgy/more experimental stuff better than the pussywhip tunes.
  4. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Wilco has drifted so far from its alt-country (whatever that is) roots that if you liked them for that sound, they aren't that band anymore.

    Tweedy has shrugged off the "American Radiohead" comparisons and called it lazy writing, but musically, each album has been different up until the last couple albums, much like the British Radiohead. On the flipside Wilco, besides Tweedy and John Stirratt, has been different for each album.

    They've only recently found a groove in terms of consistent membership and this album, which I like, quite a bit, is a mix of previous album sounds but not a completely different direction.

    So it isn't really that odd. Farrar, Son Volt, Uncle Tupelo all still sound like the Wilco you once listened to.

    YGBFKM Guest

    Tweedy and Wilco have creatively lapped Farrar and Son Volt about 46 times to this point. Farrar peaked with Trace.

    Having said that, I don't like The Whole Love. It just sounds dull to me. And I keep hearing the YHF comparisons. Guess that makes sense since that album is my least favorite.
  6. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Just to repeat my post from the music thread:

    Anyway, after a few listens: The new Wilco is musically 100 times better than Wilco (The Album) was. It's like they finally realized they had Nels Cline in the band and let him loose, especially on Art of Almost, which is just a fuckin' banger. Tweedy is a little all over the place with his songwriting, but this album feels like a bit of a mix of A Ghost is Born and Sky Blue Sky. AGIB is still my favorite Wilco record, though its gets a run from time to time from Summerteeth. So I really like the influences. Pretty complex musically. Pitchfork gives The Whole Love a 6.9, but the review is actually pretty glowing.
  7. joe

    joe Active Member

    Usually I like every song on a Wilco album, even if it takes a few plays to get into the rhythm of it. However, I only like about half of Sky Blue Sky (Side With the Seeds my favorite). Wilco (the Album) was a first for me: one I couldn't listen to. I tried, but, plainly, it sucked from beginning to end.

    I'm hopeful that the new album is a return to form. I don't expect another At Least That's What You Said, but I also don't expect another (name the song) on The Album.
  8. SheffieldAvenue

    SheffieldAvenue New Member

    Wilco has always seemed, to me, like a band that everyone says they like to sound cool at parties, but no one actually likes. Definitely couldn't tell you any of their music.

    YGBFKM Guest

    Cool story, bro.

    I really liked Wilco the Album. Top three for me along with Being There and a Ghost is Born.
  10. Brian

    Brian Well-Known Member

    I call this the "Argument Your Dad Makes Because He's Lost Touch With Contemporary Culture" Argument. Right up there with "That Commercial Made No Sense But At Least They've Got You Talking About Their Product" argument everyone's uncle pulls out each Super Bowl Sunday.

    i like the new album. It just takes me months for albums to click for me, so I hesitate to judge them. I once hated The National's second album for 8 months before suddenly loving it. My musical tastes are on roller skates.
  11. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    I listened to Art of Almost and At Least That's What You Said back to back today. Art of Almost certainly holds its own. Might be one of my top five Wilco songs. It's that good.
  12. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    It's definitely growing on me.

    And "One Sunday Morning" is already on my short list of my favorite Wilco songs.
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