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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by PalmettoStatesport, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. I am the sports editor for a small town paper and have been for two years. One of my beats includes covering the local college, of which I played college sports at. Earlier this week, I wrote a column questioning a proposed fundraiser to raise money for improvements to our football facility, and I questioned how needed the improvement was. Needless to say, this caused quite a stir in the athletic department with coaches and administration wanting to know if I supported the school, its endeavors, etc. While the community agreeded with my stances, as did several other journalists, the school is pissed. I talked with the school's SID, and he told me it might be in my best interest to meet with the head football coach before the season opener to clear the air.
    I firmly believe in what I wrote, and yes I do support the school, etc., but I can question their logic right? What do you guys think? Should I meet with the coach before the season opener to clear the air or just show up at practices, games, etc. and go about by business like nothing happened?
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    You don't work for the school, you work for your paper.

    Show up, be professional, look the coach in the eye.  If he has something to say to you, let him say it.  If you feel you want to explain your comments, do it, but don't apologize. You do your job, they do theirs.
  3. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    First, stop referring to your old school as "our."

    My first gig was at my hometown daily and I wrote something about a team I once played for, and my old coach wasn't happy. I explained to him that while I'll always love the school, it's my job to put that aside, sort of the way that while he may bond more with his players than with his math students, he treats them both the same in class because that's his job.
  4. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    You aren't a shill for the school, whether you went there or not.  The same should apply even if you work for the student newspaper.  Your present employer is signing your paychecks and you were just doing your job.  I wouldn't give it a second thought.  You could meet with him and ask to explain the need for improvements (even do it off the record if you feel the need), but it sounds to me like they are attempting to manipulate someone they believe to be a green reporter, or they just think the local media should be in their back pocket.  Don't let them do that.

    I will ask this though:  

    Is the fundraiser a private deal, and in no way attached to tax dollars?  If it is private, then why question it?
  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member


    21 is correct. However, it made me squirm a bit to see you write "our" football facility.

    Not knowing what your wrote, why would you be negative about a school raising money for an improvement (as opposed to raising student fees or something)?
  6. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    I can see that sometimes. My old school is about to upgrade facilities, and I believe it's more out of ego than need. It doesn't stop me from giving money every year, but I disagree with the decision.
  7. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Dammnit. If Clemson's doing it. We gotta do it, too. Else they'll have a recruitin' advantage.
  8. The piece I wrote about questioned the logic behind charging people over $600 for a few hours with NASCAR great Dale Earnhardt Jr. The head coach was quoted as saying that many of the school's graduates do not have the most lucrative of paying jobs, so I offered up an idea that would have taken care of the fundraising matter, and made it so the "common person" could have shown up as well. I also believe it is about ego, and I mentioned that as well.The belief of the college is that whoever covers the school's athletic programs should always paint a great piece. I know I can't control what others think, and I do appreciate the advice from everyone.
  9. PEteacher

    PEteacher Member

    You could pay me $600 and I still wouldn't spend a few hours with Dale Earnhardt Jr. If the ground rules allow me to sock him in the face, though, then I'll happily pay the $600.
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    If the folks are going to get that bent out of shape over you suggesting ways to be more inclusive to the fans, I suggest you let the criticism roll of your back and turn up the heat.
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