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NBA Finals 1, Delivery Room 0

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by shotglass, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    Being in the delivery room is more for the father than the child. The child will have no memories of it and it will have no effect on it either way.
  2. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

  3. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    I know that my father was there when I was born. Now, if my father wasn't there, I don't think that things would be different since that is a day that I don't remember anyway.

    I don't know how anyone is going to mention to the kid that LeBron made a choice. I am not sure how far into the future people will remember this.

    I just don't see why this wasn't settled with an induced labor on an off-day (there are certainly enough of them).
  4. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    If the dad is there for the child during the first biddie basketball game, or riding a bike, or first recital, or first schoolyard fight or date, that's the stuff thats important, IMO. Not that he chose to go to work the day he was born.

    Luggie, I know you are on the SportsJournalists.com All-Platinum team, and I usually agree with you, but I think you are off your rocker on this one. JMO.
  5. I think my dad missed my first schoolyard fight.

  6. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Because his not missing the game doesn't change a damn thing as far as the Finals are concerned. He's going to play ... end of story.

    Anything beyond that goes beyond newsgathering and into a gossip-media style talking point that is none of our damn business. A talking point that has fuck-all to do with the NBA Finals and how it will be played. A talking point that is NBA off-day filler at best and is needlessly obstrusive into someone's personal life at worst.
  7. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    With all due respect Luggie, and this comes from a father that was there for the birth of both of my kids, if a kid is harboring resentment -- an emotion that doesn't even register until a kid is at least school-age -- over his dad not being there for a birth he doesn't even remember and doesn't take into account the good things his father has done since (assuming he's been a good father), then the kid is just hunting for reasons to harbor resentment and the problem is more with him than the father.

    Parenthood isn't about keeping a scoreboard on what you're there for. It's about raising your kids the right way. If LeBron is a concientious father, his kid won't give two shits whether he was in the birthing room or not. He will love him anyway.

    And besides, it seems to me that LeBron and his girlfriend are cool with it. As far as I'm concerned, that's where my concern over this ends.
  8. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Hey, babies are born every day.

    Cleveland in the finals of ANYTHING? Not so much.
  9. kingcreole

    kingcreole Active Member

    I could be wrong, but hasn't Tiger Woods said if he's on the course - even at a major - and his wife goes into labor, he's picking up his ball and leaving?

    I'd never miss the birth of any of my kids. There is absolutely no better feeling in this world than holding your newborn son/daughter after delivery.
  10. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Ha! ;D I'm far from all-Platinum. Look at you, Mr. Everybody Misses You, Ignored By 0 Members, you.

    No, the kid won't have a memory of it. But I can tell you I've asked my dad about a million times to tell me the story of my birth and what it was like for him. (No he wasn't in the delivery room, but he was there!)

    You're right - those other things are important, too.

    I guess I'm kind of with those who said it's a private matter. So why didn't LeBron keep it private? It's like he's trying to do some macho thing by announcing to the world the Finals are more important than his kid's birth. The whole thing just sort of stinks.
  11. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Last week Tiger said depending on the situation, he may just have to play real fast.
  12. amraeder

    amraeder Well-Known Member

    My guess was just that he was asked about it and answered truthfully. He probably didn't seek to broadcast it to the world.

    As far as the decision goes, Bubbler pretty much nailed it. Who cares? Especially if the gf is fine with it. I honestly have no clue what my dad was doing when I was born. Never asked, never really thought about it.
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