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My last 2 1/2 hours of eating..........

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Chef, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. Chef

    Chef Active Member

    Starting the diet from hell at midnight tonight.

    I'm currently 6'2, and about 260.

    Me, my dad, and 2 of his brothers are having our own little "biggest loser"......whoever drops the most gets a very nice yet to be determined.

    The goal is to be at 200 by April 1.

    So.......I am currently getting ready to destroy some wings before I suck it up and get to be a skinny minny.

    My radio station provides a full membership to the YMCA, so starting tomorrow at 6, 2 hours of workout before work, and I will probably play/referee town team basketball when I am not calling high school/college games.

    Wish me luck.
  2. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Good luck, Chef.
  3. pallister

    pallister Guest

    If you lose 60 pounds by April, you'll be in the hospital. You might want to push that date back a bit.
  4. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    Seriously. Healthy weight loss is two or three pounds a week. You might want to shoot for 230.
  5. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Shoot for 10 lbs. per month. And don't get ahead of yourself when you start an exercise program. You'll just burn yourself out, get frustrated and quit. When it comes to dropping weight and keeping it off, slow and steady wins the race.
  6. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Good luck Chef.
  7. greenthumb

    greenthumb Member

    Second that. My wife has a masters in health/nutrition. She has to tell people every day that crash diets don't work. Cut your portions, increase your cardiovascular exercise, increase muscle tone, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY expect modest but steady results.

    You're heading to the Y, and that's great. Have them check your body fat and consult the fitness trainer for tips on ways to safely lose the weight. I can tell you right now that 20 pounds a month isn't a safe goal unless you are about 600 pounds overweight.

    I applaud your commitment to get fit, but please be safe.
  8. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    I hear heroin is good for weight loss.
  9. farmerjerome

    farmerjerome Active Member

    Good luck Chef, but take it slow. Stretch marks are not sexy.

    Anywho, this is how I lost 30 (well 25 after the holidays).

    1. No seconds, unless it's a vegatable.

    2. No eating after 7 p.m.

    3. Run. There is nothing that burns fat faster than cardio. If you can't run speed walk or walk. Make yourself a good mix playlist.

    Here's a few songs to get you running:
    Days before you came, Placebo
    You don't know, Eminem and about a thousand other rappers
    Love like winter, AFI
    Hazy shade of winter, The Bangles

    4. Give yourself a break on the weekends. I ease up a bit on Friday nights and Saturdays, then get in a nice run inbetween relaxing on Sunday.

    Remember, dieting doesn't work. Lifestyle changes do.
  10. pallister

    pallister Guest

    Workout music suggestion: Far Beyond the Great Southern Cowboys' Vulgar Hits.
  11. farmerjerome

    farmerjerome Active Member

    To threadjack my threadjack, I can't listen to Pantera anymore after watching the Behind the Music. Ripped my heart out, it did.
  12. pallister

    pallister Guest

    I keep hearing how good the show was, and I keep missing it. Doesn't help I don't have cable. I gotta see it someday, though.
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