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Military announces stricter rules for tattoos

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Captain Obvious, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. Shoeless Joe

    Shoeless Joe Active Member

    I tell students that all the time. I had a girl tell me the other day "When I turn 18, I'm going to go tattoo crazy." I told her to make sure they could be concealed for job interviews/work.
    I have a friend who is a third generation funeral home owner. They have a long-standing rule in place dating back to his grandfather: no facial hair. While that might seem a bit extreme, it's company policy. If you don't like it, don't apply to work there.
  2. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Hopes the Navy doesn't change its policies:

  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    One of my friends swears the next goldmine will be in opening tattoo removal parlors. At some point, the women who got tramp stamps at age 20 are going to turn 40.
  4. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    There are already businesses that do that. I see an advertisement for one on a certain billboard when I drive quite often.

    As for employment, I believe businesses have the right to set whatever standards they want for their company and employees. Some places want you to wear a coat and tie everyday. Other places have restrictions on facial hair, body piercings, tattoos, etc. One place I worked didn't want us wearing short pants (even on weekends in the newsroom when it was 100 degrees outside.) Like another person said, if that conflicts with your personal style, go work somewhere else. Didn't the New York Yankees have a long-standing policy against players having facial hair?

    I interviewed for a certain job earlier this week. They might like me or might not. Could be something as simple as the color of tie I wore or the smell of my cologne. OK, fine. I accept that's just part of life. I'm not interested in radically changing who I am or how I do things. If I don't fit at one place, I'll find someplace that I do. And both sides will be better off.
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