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Media relations contacts thread

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by hockeybeat, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    After reading a couple of the "Please help with a contact" threads, I do hope that this can be a resource and I hope that the JTO moddies can sticky it.

    Starting with the NFL...

    League Media Contacts

  2. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    you just had to go and be useful
  3. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    League Media Contacts

  4. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)


    Sorry. No e-mail addresses or phone numbers. Maybe someone can update this with additional contact information.
  5. Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    Ah, Jay Horwitz. BYH just murdered a hobo and doesn't know why.
  6. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)


    United States Olympic Committee
    If I have omitted any leagues or college conferences, please feel free to add contact information.

    EDIT: Many thanks to Lono, who graciously posted NASCAR and the various NASCAR track media relations contacts.
  7. gingerbread

    gingerbread Well-Known Member

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    Nice work, 'beat!
  8. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    I'll second that, 'beat.

    And, if you want to do these contact people a favor and help them keep their spam (and other nuisances) down to a manageable roar, substitute the @ symbols in their e-mail addresses with the word 'at' in single quotes, with a space on either side of it. A simple search-and-replace can do it, and you'll spare them a few headaches.
  9. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    Hell yeah, he does
  10. pseudo

    pseudo Well-Known Member

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    Yeah, he gets that way sometimes. (Unlike the rest of us snarky wiseasses.)

    Kudos, 'beat. J_D does make a valid point about the e-mail addys, though -- spambots abound. Something to consider ...
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    Nice work HB...

    If you're over the age of 18 and you can't find the name of a PR contact for a professional or college team, I would be seriously worried about you.

    There are two things called google and 411 that can get you any of these numbers in about 30 seconds.
  12. lono

    lono Active Member

    Re: Media relations contacts thread (Please sticky. Thanks)

    NASCAR PR Contacts

    P.O. Box 2875
    Daytona Beach, FL 32120

    1801 W. International Speedway Blvd.
    Daytona Beach, FL 32114

    Phone: (386) 253-0611
    Fax: (386) 252-8804

    Jim Hunter - Vice President of Corporate Communications/Regional Touring/Whelen All-American Series

    Sissie Perdue - Executive Assistant
    (386) 947-6748
    E-Mail: sperdue AT nascar.com

    Ramsey Poston - Managing Director, Corporate Communications
    (386) 947-6580
    E-Mail: rposton AT nascar.com

    Andrew Giangola - Director of Business Communications (NY)
    (212) 326-1880
    E-Mail: agiangola AT nascar.com

    Kerry Tharp - Director of Communications - Competition (Concord)
    (704) 720-3115
    E-Mail: ktharp AT nascar.com

    Herb Branham - Director of Communications/Managing Editor, NASCAR Insider Magazine
    (386) 681-4164
    E-Mail: hbranham AT nascar.com

    Tracey Judd - Senior Manager of Communications - NASCAR Nationwide Series
    (386) 947-6733
    E-Mail: tjudd AT nascar.com

    Owen Kearns Jr. - Senior Manager of Communications - NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series (California)
    Office: (661) 663-8770
    Fax: (661) 663-3796
    E-Mail: okearns AT nascar.com

    Jennifer Powell - Senior Manager of Broadcast Communications
    (386) 947-6778
    E-Mail: jpowell AT nascar.com

    Stu Hothem - Senior Manager of PR Services
    (386) 681-4271
    E-Mail: shothem AT nascar.com

    Denise Maloof - Manager of Communications - NASCAR Sprint Cup Series
    (386) 947-6773
    E-Mail: dmaloof AT nascar.com

    Kristal Shipp - Manager, West Regional Media Outreach (L.A.)
    (310) 843-2315
    E-mail: kshipp AT nascar.com

    Michael Payne - Manager of Statistics
    (386) 527-1263
    E-Mail: mpayne AT nascar.com

    Mike Forde - Manager of Statistical Writing
    (386) 681-4391
    E-Mail: mforde AT nascar.com

    Melanie Velisek - Manager of PR Services
    (386) 681-4112
    E-Mail: mvelisek AT nascar.com

    Jason Christley - Manager of Communications, Weekly & Touring Series
    (386) 947-6788
    E-Mail: jchristley AT nascar.com

    Tom Sullivan - Manager, Business Communications
    (704) 348-9613
    E-Mail: tsullivan AT nascar.com

    Josh Hamilton - Senior Coordinator of PR Services
    (386) 681-4285
    E-Mail: jhamilton AT nascar.com

    Ashley Jones - Senior Coordinator of Broadcast Communications
    (386) 681-4385
    E-Mail: ajones AT nascar.com

    Tiffany Breaux - Coordinator of Communications
    (386) 681-4197
    E-Mail: tbreaux AT nascar.com

    Virginia Pritchett - Coordinator of Broadcast Communications
    E-Mail: vpritchett AT nascar.com

    Ray Smith - Coordinator of Communications
    (386) 239-2852
    E-Mail: raysmith AT nascar.com

    Tracey Eberts - Communications Assistant, NASCAR Sprint Cup Series/Asst. to Ramsey Poston
    (386) 947-6580
    E-Mail: teberts AT nascar.com

    Nancy Green - Communications Assistant, NASCAR Camping World Truck Series
    (386) 947-6429
    E-Mail: ngreen AT nascar.com

    Sue Redstone - Communications Assistant, NASCAR Nationwide Series
    (386) 947-6870
    E-Mail: sredstone AT nascar.com

    Brad Klein - Communications Assistant - Business Communications (N.Y.)
    (212) 326-1874
    E-Mail: bklein AT nascar.com
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