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Man card burning party, my house tonight!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JayFarrar, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    This is the worst part.
    The rest of it sounds like a nice weekend (although buying her toiletries seems a bit much, as previously mentioned), but shopping?
    Why not choose an actual activity?
  2. Make sure to hide the bedroom video camera, too.
  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Jay, this is very important. One thing you MUST NOT DO....

    Do not take advice from the guy with the excruciatingly long streak of not getting any.

    On a more serious note, I agree with the others on the thing about bathroom supplies. She'll bring anything she needs. No need to go crazy. She's coming to spend time with you, so it's pretty safe to assume she wants to be there. Making an effort to make her feel special is great, but don't make yourself crazy over it.
  4. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Did you install the mirrors on the ceiling above the bed yet? Forget about the hot tea, man. With limited time, just stick to the important things.
  5. Chef

    Chef Active Member

  6. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Done and done. That spot under the toilet seat and toward the back, yikes. Bath tub scrubbed. Part of the shopping is her idea, she has to pick some things up in a morning run, but I think the afternoon will be free.
    What happens largely depends on the weather. But I've been scouring the weekender in the paper today. Pink Floyd Laser Show!
  7. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    That one made me laugh.
  8. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Mikey, you're George Costanza come to life, aren't you?
  9. Jones

    Jones Active Member

    I always like to do a bit of manscaping before a big date. I also think a three-day load is optimum, so I plan my yanks accordingly. That way, you're not so pent up you'll explode the second she touches you, but you can still impress her with your virility, and maybe have enough to draw a heart with it on her stomach.
  10. Philosopher

    Philosopher Member

    I think you have the completely wrong approach here. Women don't like guys who run around trying to fulfill their every whim. Buying things for women to get them to like you almost always backfires. Women don't like men who have to buy their company, directly or indirectly, because you're implicitly signaling to the girl that you can't do better than her or that you're otherwise desperate.

    Instead, have confidence in yourself and your desirability, and convey that to her. Don't act like having her come over to your place is like a visit from the Queen of England. Act like you have women over all the time, even if you don't. Women want to date someone who is desirable, and when they get the sense that other women desire(d) you and that you know how to handle women, it's a big turn-on. Trying too hard makes you look too much like a beta male.

    So in my opinion I'd totally tone it down. The only time I'd buy all this stuff for a woman is if we were in a serious relationship, which I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're not in, given your initial post.

    The only thing I would do is make sure your place was clean and tidy, which I do as a course of habit because you never know when you'll be bringing someone home. Also hide anything embarassing, and make sure there are no smells/odors. Otherwise, just be confident and don't try too hard. You're best off making her chase after you than vice versa. At the very least, chasing too much after her reeks of desperation, which is never attractive.

    Good luck.
  11. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    That's top-notch advice.
    Also, when she comes over, don't be home. In fact, leave town. Go visit a buddy for the long weekend.
    Call her on Tuesday like nothing happened and ask her out for next weekend.
    When she asks you about the plans you made for this weekend, pretend like you completely forgot.
    That'll really get her into you.
  12. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    My co-workers are staring because I'm laughing so hard.
    Buck rules
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