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job postings

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by In Cold Blood, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. In Cold Blood

    In Cold Blood Member

    This probably belongs on the jobs board, but I didn't see anything besides specific job postings over there...

    I'm approaching May graduation and facing the dreaded job hunt...

    I religiously check this board and journalismjobs for postings...
    are there any other websites that people have had success with in terms of finding a job?
  2. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

  3. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    I might also suggest the Press Association websites for your state. They might be for the smaller papers, but they are still jobs.
  4. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    Nope, this is the board it belongs on. Webby and Moddy keep the jobs boards for just that, specific jobs.

    And now to answer your question, it doesn't hurt to have a few connections either to help tell you BEFORE a job hits the jobs boards. A lot of times, by the time a job hits these web sites, the papers are flooded with hundreds of resumes.

    Freep has a great collection of jobs boards.
  5. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Over on the jobs board, however, is this thread Idaho started and has updated.

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