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Is this a line from The Great Gatsby or a New York Times profile of Lena Dunham?

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by YankeeFan, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Yikes. I just do not understand the math of publishing at all. Maybe
    she'll be like Jerry Lewis and her books will sell in France.
  2. RecoveringJournalist

    RecoveringJournalist Well-Known Member

    It's a book of essays and those typically don't do well at all. Chelsea Handler was an exception.

    Tina Fey's book did really well, but Lena Dunham is not Tina Fey.
  3. Mauve_Avenger

    Mauve_Avenger Member

    This is off topic, but I got 10/10 first try!

    "Your invite to a Bushwick warehouse party should be coming shortly!"
  4. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    But I'm sure you know of J.M. Coetzee. To not know who Dunham is to put your head in the cultural sand, especially if you don't live in flyover country. I tried to watch Girls the first season and even though I am a few generations away from her ( I am apparently Generation Jones, ont he cusp between Baby Boomer and Gen X) I wanted to give it a try. It was smarter than Sex and The City but still nothing even close to my life. I stopped watching when it become redundant. The show was a good medium sized novel that erupted into elongated bore, for me.
  5. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Unless they option the book, which they'll probably try to do.
  6. MisterCreosote

    MisterCreosote Well-Known Member

    Why in the hell would I be able to recognize the creator of some stupid show I don't have time to watch on a channel I don't even have?
  7. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's a cultural faux pas to not know who Dunham is but you dam
    well better know who Uncle Si is.
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I don't have HBO and have never watched anything she's been in.

    But, between the campaign video she did, and the Times love of her, I can't escape being aware of her.

    I'd probably be hard pressed to pick her out of a lineup.
  9. Dyno

    Dyno Well-Known Member

    She's the one who looks like a 20-something Totie Fields.
  10. RecoveringJournalist

    RecoveringJournalist Well-Known Member

    Maybe, but it's hard to option a book of essays.

    A publisher friend told me you have to sell 250,000 copies to recoup a $1 million advance. Do you think there is any way Dunham sells a million copies?
  11. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    This and "Bob Denver goofy" are two of the best descriptions ever. And I'd be inclined to not be seeking the ID of whichever woman is sitting on my face. Just savor that it's occurring.
  12. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    If Dunham looked like Allison Williams, I contend most people's issues with Dunham would go away completely. Which is a point she often makes within the confines of the show. She is fearless in as much as she understands she is not particularly attractive (at least by movie/TV standards) and instead of trying to fake it, she goes the other direction and has created a character who is frumpy, rude, self-absorbed and frequently gross, which is something men do often, but aren't crucified for it the way she is. Now, her worldview is very one dimensional, even if you step away from the Hannah character and look at Dunham: white, middle-class, urban snob, hipster. But she writes what she knows well, and it's interesting to me that each character on the show is shallow and awful in their own unique way, but they each also have moments where you're rooting for them.
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