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Investor's Business Daily rebuts Time (unknowingly)

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by enigami, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. enigami

    enigami Member

  2. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    I don't see those changes happening that quickly (less than 5 years). Some newspaper groups - - like Newhouse/Advance - have been slow to embrace the web for all its worth, believing in few graphics/pull-out boxes and photos on the websites and predominantly running just stories.
    I also don't see the daily newspaper being reduced to an 8 page free daily. There will always be that core group of people that will continue to support newspapers because they want to read about stories in-depth.

    There will always be a group of people that wants to read all of the day's comic strips on one (or two) pages instead of needing to go to a different web page for each strip :)
  3. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Newhouse/Advance sites suck --- cookie cutter philosophy of one site fits all; bland, sapped of any personality that make up their papers....
  4. EStreetJoe

    EStreetJoe Well-Known Member

    Agreed that the site designs suck. That's why I say they've been slow to use their websites to their maximum potential. They still don't give their newspapers in an area (like NJ) self-control over posting stories to the websites - there's one central website for all the papers and one central area where the posting from all of the papers is done (provided the desk at each paper put the correct online codes on the stories).
  5. enigami

    enigami Member

    Pardon my ignorance, but would either of you mind linking a prominent Newhouse/Advance site or 2?
  6. www.cleveland.com

    (from the Plain Dealer... I thought it would be fitting. :D)

    Compare this to the Newark Star-Ledger, also in the same chain.

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