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How can Hillary survive?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Simon_Cowbell, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. Lamar Mundane

    Lamar Mundane Member

    I'm trying to simplify my posts. Obviously, I've been asking for the GOP's exit strategy for months. Yawn and his GOP brethren have failed to answer that one simple question.

    I'm waiting. We can see how he can attack Hillary and the evil Liberals but ask not what the Liberals can do for you but what the GOP can do to get us out of Iraq. W got us into a quagmire and it appears he's going to let someone else clean up another of his messes.

    To recap, what is the GOP's exit strategy in Iraq?
  2. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    Let's strip aside all of the window-dressing. Somewhere between now and the New Hampshire primary, the Democratic base will realize they can only win with Hillary. Obama is the flavor of the month but he'll go down like Howard Dean when they realized only John Kerry had a chance of winning.

    Everything else between now and then is just fodder to fill newspaper and magazine space, and the airwaves.
  3. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    As a NY Dem, I don't think Hillary has a snowballs-shot-in-hell of earning the nomination, to say nothing of winning the election. She's far too polarizing.
  4. markvid

    markvid Guest

    If I remember correctly, the bombing occured the same week of his impeachment.
  5. Lamar Mundane

    Lamar Mundane Member

    Hondo, you're dreaming. Hillary can win in NH. She won't win in Iowa, Nevada or South Carolina.

    The Dems will nominate Bill Richardson. He's the only viable candidate left. Senators make horrible candidates b/c of the volume of votes on legislation they didn't write but must defend.

    When Richardson rolls out in full force, probably May/June, it will become clear he is the only one with executive branch experience and the ability and expertise to handle immigration, islamo-facism, balancing budgets, cutting taxes, improving education and protecting the environment.

    Check for yourselves, he's the only one in either party (with the possible exception of Romney) that can brag on their own record and still deliver their base.
  6. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Look guys, (This party) Hillary MUST be your (cannot wise up to the fact) nominee. She that attracts the media attention (she'll get her ass kicked) like no one else. She raises money (even we Republicans are feverishly campaigning for her) like no other candidate (Hell if we can get her locked in as the nominee) and energizes the base (it don't make a shit who we run against her) like no one else. You are fools if you don't carry the banner of Che.

    Any subliminal message you got from this is purely coincidental.
  7. Did your parents ever have any children who lived, Yawn?
  8. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Go find you a date, dude. Since I'm feeling a bit benevolent for the disadvantaged tonight, I'll even fly you to San Fran. Out there, you'd feel at home.
  9. Why don't you grow a pair and just call me gay? You may as well have. Homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic bigot.
  10. Yawn

    Yawn New Member

    Ooooooo, and the satin gloves come flyin' off......
  12. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    I don't want to lock any threads before I go to bed, but I also don't want to stay up all night -- and I won't.

    Give it a rest, guys.
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