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Holy COW does my tooth hurt...

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by imjustagirl2, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    I have now added a bag of ice to my jaw. It's throbbing like it's going to jump out of my jaw itself.
  2. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    They'll be lots of uninsured illegal aliens in the emergency room, there for standard cleanings and flossings.. [/southern california joke, and not a real good one]
  3. Big Buckin' agate_monkey

    Big Buckin' agate_monkey Active Member

    That's AWESOME!
  4. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    Clove oil is your best friend in a situation like this. Anbesol's not quite as good, but if it's all you have, keep at it. Here's a list I downloaded. If the root or nerve of the tooth is exposed, try covering the tooth with a cap of chewing gum. Give it a few minutes and see if the pain subsides a little. Good luck. Feel better

    What to Do in a Dental Emergency When You're All Alone

    There is nothing worse than being on your honeymoon, in-flight, on a camping trip, or on a long car ride when it strikes -- an unrelenting toothache so severe you feel like you want to die. Knowing what to do can prevent major discomfort.

    Fortunately, the chance of an unforeseen dental crisis can usually be prevented by early detection and treatment of dental disease. When dental disaster does strike (and it always seems to be at the most inopportune time), knowing how to alleviate the pain is invaluable information everyone can use.

    A toothache is any pain or soreness within or around a tooth, indicating inflammation and possible infection. Generally, a toothache occurs if tooth decay is very close to or has penetrated the pulp chamber that contains nerves and tiny blood vessels. Ideally, it's best to undergo dental treatment.

    Toothache caused by trapped food: rinse the area with warm water and swish it about. It may loosen whatever is causing the pain. Alternatively, a cotton ball soaked in lime juice can be placed on the tooth. You can also try using this poultice: Steep a teaspoon of yarrow in hot water, drain the liquid with a piece of gauze, and then put it on the tooth.

    Over-the-counter pain relievers to cure toothaches : paracetamol, aspirin and acetaminophen. If you feel that a small swelling has occurred, you may take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) for their inflammatory components, like ibuprofen and mefenamic acid. (However, those with a history of ulcers as well as pregnant women need a doctor's recommendation before taking NSAID and aspirin.) Rubbing aspirin on your gums to numb an aching will do more harm than good. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, which can burn and damage gum tissue. Try pain-relieving gels like Anbesol or Orajel."

    Home remedies for a toothache include: rinsing your mouth with salt water or dabbing some clove oil directly on the bad tooth. Clove oil has bacteria-slaying properties, along with a remarkable numbing effect. Also try the numbing power in cooled peppermint tea. Swish, then swallow if you like the flavor.

    Most challenging are toothaches that stem from inside a tooth. But in cases where a lost filling or a broken tooth is causing the pain, "caulking" the sore tooth with softened chewing gum can ease the pain.

    Canker sores:check to see if their toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS. SLS is a foaming agent that in some studies has been linked to the development of canker sores. An additional remedy for both canker sores and gum pain is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil should be applied directly to the infected site and can even be purchased in mouthwash form to soothe inflammation. Another preventive measure for canker sores is to avoid eating chips and other jagged foods that can cause tiny cuts and scrapes, which can be an entryway for a virus. Besides that, stay away from foods that trigger canker sores. Potential troublemakers include whole wheat, rye, barley, shellfish, pineapple, chocolate and tomatoes.

    Gum problems: Ginseng can be used to alleviate the pain associated with irritated gum tissue. A ginseng tonic can be directly applied to the gum to promote circulation and speed healing. An additional home remedy suggestion is to use a wet tea bag for tooth or gum pain. Tea contains astringent tannins, which have the power to shrink swollen tissue and stop bleeding.

    No toothache will heal on its own. A toothache is a dental problem that needs to be treated as soon as possible.

    Knocked out a tooth: Shake off debris (rinsing or scrubbing could remove important periodontal ligament), place it in a container of milk or back in its socket and try to reach the dentist within 30 minutes.

    Broken tooth: If you've lost the broken piece, just get to the dentist. If you have it, gently shake off surface dirt and definitely keep it. Even if the piece can't be bonded back to the original tooth, it can be used to help re-create the look of that tooth.

    Something wedged between your teeth: Gentle flossing or brushing is fine, but if the object does not respond to that treatment and the surrounding gum begins to swell, make an appointment with your dentist. A bit of broken filling or chipped enamel can throw your bite off and make you panic. Popcorn husks are one of the worst offenders and occasionally need to be removed by a dentist. W

    Lose a filling or crown: Cover the hole with temporary material, do not try to put the old filling back in the tooth. If you lose a crown, you'll want to try and salvage it (you can surprisingly use vaseline, denture adhesive or over-the-counter temporary dental cement available in pharmacies to put the crown back in place until you can reach a dentist). Visit the dentist as soon as possible.
    Source: HealthNewsDigest.com
  5. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Trying that, jg. But i can't seem to get it to stick. My tongue touches it no matter what I do, unless I just decide never to swallow and just drool into a bowl for 18 hours until my appointment.
  6. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    If there's ANY way for you to get Vicodin, try. Just a couple to get you through the night. Tooth pain is the worst.
  7. TyWebb

    TyWebb Well-Known Member

    If Tom Hanks has taught us anything, its that all you need to cure a toothache is a rock and an ice skate.
  8. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Put a small wad of Kleenex in it. Might not work, but it could at least keep the nerves from being exposed. I've done it once or twice.
  9. jgmacg

    jgmacg Guest

    Okay - two more:

    Take a "shot" to numb the pain. Hold a swig of whiskey over the painful tooth, says Dr. Corn. Your gums will absorb some of the alcohol and that will numb the pain. Spit out the rest.

    If you have a throbbing tooth ache, try this. get a bowl of water big enough for your hand, and fill it half with water and 2 handfulls of ice. Place the hand from the opposite side of the body from where the tooth is located, into the ice water. In other words, if the tooth pain is on your left side place your right hand in the ice water. With the other hand, gently massage the V-shaped area between the thumb and index finger while the hand is under water.
    YES...it sounds strange. It works. I had an abscessed tooth that had to get a root canal. It happened over the weekend. When My hand hit the ice water the throbbing stopped instantly.

    Also, as Bubbler said, you can try to pack the hole with something other than gum. Try cotton or gauze.

    And: If you have any whole cloves that you can grind into a powder, or ground clove in the house, you can try making a poultice (add just enough water to moisten it) from those, rather than using clove oil. Pack some of the clove poultice into the tooth, then tamp it down with a Q-Tip.
  10. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member

    Thanks all. I don't have any whiskey in the house...I'm going to try the bowl of ice water and ask my roomie if we have any cloves.
  11. AreaMan

    AreaMan Member


    I feel your pain. I have a cavity for the first time in my life and am dreading having to go to the dentist. Thus far I am using some orajel and some Tylenol gel caps. Working pretty well I have to say.
  12. imjustagirl2

    imjustagirl2 New Member


    I lost my filling a couple weeks back. Didn't hurt at all for a while, started aching a little when I went to bed, but Anbesol and some tylenol took care of it.

    Today? It hurts like I am getting punched in the face.
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