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Grantland so far

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Alma, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Kermit McManus

    Kermit McManus New Member

    I like site very much. Simmon's has shown bredth of knowledge on every sport.

    Its the kind of site that you go to sleep thinking about.
  2. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

  3. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Troll, ignore him

    YGBFKM Guest

    I'm different. Give me lots of money.
  5. flexmaster33

    flexmaster33 Well-Known Member

    With the state of newspapers and magazines, I can see why ESPN threw money at this...could be the ground floor of a successful new online format. Only time will tell.
  6. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    As is, the format of Grantland could only survive as a boutique to a larger sports store. Reading it, you would think the top - and only - story in America is the women's world cup. Of which I don't think you'd see a word if it wasn't splashed all over ESPN.
  7. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Funny, nothing in Grantland yet about one of biggest trending sports/ culture stories of the week-- the ESPN suspension of Bruce Feldman.
  8. SEC Guy

    SEC Guy Member

    "How I got ESPN/Grantland to fund my eating and drinking habits"

    By Wright Thompson


    Hopefully his next review is of salads.

    YGBFKM Guest

    Some good stuff on the board today.
  10. cougargirl

    cougargirl Active Member

    I go to Grantland every day and I have to sift through its content to find something that I enjoy reading. Nothing has truly resonated with me yet, but I enjoyed Chris Suellentrop's piece on the Sprint Center and a recent Sasha Vujacic-Maria Sharapova celebrity couplings piece (hey, it appealed to the pop culture junkie in me). Not necessarily trend stories, but more human interest/nostalgia/trendiness. Regardless, it's still in an experimental phase. It'll find direction and an audience.
  11. GBNF

    GBNF Well-Known Member

    Wow, SEC Guy, that's a dick move.
  12. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    Yeah. That's some miserable bullshit.
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