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Getting a "no" for the first time

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by the_rookie, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. the_rookie

    the_rookie Member

    "Thank you for your interest in the Podunk Times position we advertised.
    We have now completed our hiring process and have selected another
    Good luck in your job search."

    Finally got feedback on my first attempt to land a job in SJ. Just wondering what you were all feeling when you found out you didn't land the gig. Here's to many more...*raises mug*
  2. audreyld

    audreyld Guest

    Having been rejected a number of times, I'd say I felt a brief sting, and then it was on to the next one. The brevity of said sting is inversely proportional to the desirability of the job.
  3. JackS

    JackS Guest

    To me, it stings more if you actually get interviewed and then rejected.

    Without getting to the interview, I've always been able to forget a rejection pretty easily.
  4. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    Getting a "no" is tough, but a lot of times you have to realize you weren't the best candidate for the job. I've applied -- seriously putting effort into it and interviewing for it -- for two jobs that I haven't gotten.

    Both times, the person who was hired was better at my job than me. One of them has since left and is working in a major city. The other was a veteran looking to live in paradise. Do I think I could have done a better job than most? Maybe. But, I'm also willing to admit that if I was in the sports editor's shoes, I would have made the hire he made.
  5. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

    Whenever I hear this sort of thing, I remember me and my three roommates at Missouri making a link of rejection letters all the way around our living room.
    Just play it off and keep trucking. (Although the raised glass thing helps quite a bit, too.)
  6. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Member

    It's probably a good idea to evaluate the things you did during the process. Take a hard look at your resume and clips. If you interviewed in person, could you have presented yourself better in terms of actions or appearance.

    Just try and learn from the rejection and be a better candidate for the next job that you go after.
  7. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    Good points, but don't beat yourself up too much. A lot of times the difference between the person who got the job and the one who didn't is very, very small and sometimes completely arbitrary. If you were one of the final candidates that means they liked you quite a bit, but they can't hire everybody.
  8. Rejection letters aren't the greatest things in the world. I know, and I received one not too long ago when applying for a position. However, at least the people were professional enough to send a letter, unlike some that will just dodge the bullet about it.
  9. audreyld

    audreyld Guest

    I agree. At least they had that courtesy. I interviewed with a place and didn't find out I had been rejected until I finally broke down and called. Their response, "Oh, we forgot to let you know. We found someone else."
  10. Lets not forget that sometimes, you may have been the best person for the job, but not the best "fit', meaning the other guy was very trainable, or at least close to your skill level but comes a bit cheaper, knows the area, cheaper to move, personality conflict, etc. I have come to realize that it isn't all about the skill level. Plus, journalists tend to work better with a chip on their shoulder, so don't let it bother you. Keep doing what you are doing, and always feel you are the best qualified candidate going into an interview (without being arrogent or cocky). Nobody wants to hire someone who isn't sure about abotu their own abilities. I almost always use the same line at the end of my job interviews when the interviewer asks me if there is anythign else I want to ask or say, "I am very confident I can do this job, but none of this interview process matters if I am not the person you want for the job, and none of this interview process matters if this isn't the right work environment for me. The goal here is to fill the position with the right mix of qualifications and personality and neither one of us should take it personally if it isn't the right mix or fit." So far, I have been pretty successful in job offers, some I took, some i didn't get, and others I turned down because in the long run, this has to be the right situation for my family. Don't ever sell yourself short and never, ever take a simple rejection without extenuating circumstances personally.
  11. The onus should never be on you to make the call. Sounds like a mickey mouse operation to me.
  12. spaceman

    spaceman Active Member

    Sorry Yoshi,

    We have found a better thread on which to post. Thank you for starting this one, however.

    Best of luck with your discussion.

    Sincerely, etc.
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