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Florida governor's race

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by D.Sanchez, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. D.Sanchez

    D.Sanchez Member

    Who were the ad wizards that came up with this one?

  2. RAMBO

    RAMBO Member

    Bet you Jeff Bush will be back as governor so they can use him to let the republican win again.
  3. Trey Beamon

    Trey Beamon Active Member

  4. Lucas Wiseman

    Lucas Wiseman Well-Known Member

    Methinks he means Jeb. And Jeb can't run again due to term limits.
  5. Idaho

    Idaho Active Member

    Perhaps Jeb is changing his name to Jeff to circumvent the Florida election laws. Those rascally Bush brothers, always up to something!
  6. Boy, these guys are nuts. One of themis running a campaign based on his opposition to judges in Massachusetts.
  7. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    that damn jeff bush triing to stay in office he and his crimnal bros. John Bush, y'know, the prezident, awt to team up with there brother Kneel and get a job manging the Techsas Raingers
  8. Y'all just mean, sailor.
  9. OTD

    OTD Well-Known Member

    What, couldn't they find a chain saw to run in the background too?
  10. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    Actually, that speaks to many voters in Florida. Should we mention what's happening with building insurance rates down here? Classic case of multi-corporate overreaction.
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