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First Democratic debate tonight! Who will win??

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by John D. Villarreal, Apr 26, 2007.


Who "wins" (outright or via expecations) the Democrat's debate tonight?

  1. Hillary

    1 vote(s)
  2. Barack

    8 vote(s)
  3. Edwards

    1 vote(s)
  4. Other

    6 vote(s)
  1. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    Yeah, Orangeburg is not an impressive location for this type event. Then again, it might be one of the few areas in South Carolina that isn't a lock for the GOP.
  2. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Sharks 4, Red Wings 2.

    Thornton 2 goals.
  3. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Of course, if it was done in white it would not be viewable (or very hard to read) with this background.

    So, I used a timeout and subbed black for white (as is done often & vice versa depending on background color)
  4. andyouare?

    andyouare? Guest

    Who will win? If any candidate mentions a withdrawal date the terrorists win.
  5. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    I don't think anybody would mind. :)

    JDV, I'm just giving you some good-natured ribbing.
  6. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    I will what?

    Win? Yes, I typically do & am very used to that. Actually, winning is all I know - lol.

    The funny thing is you want to hate yet my earlier political predictions proved to be spot on didn't they?

    What happened to the "mighty McCain?" who was a "lock" for the Rep Nomination? Or how about how "unelectable" Rudy G was? Hmm, look who is leading in the polls!

    I also told you it was going to be a close race on the Dem side and why that was with the various strengths and weaknesses.

    I told you I know politics cold.

    You proved you don't know much but sure lap up headlines and minute to minute convention wisdom like a fish does water without stoppint to think or do real analysis.

    Now stop hating/worrying about me & redeem yourself with some real analysis of this debate/race because this is your side and you should care.

    Moreover, quite frankly, I am keenly interested as I can see this going a number of ways and there is a lot on the line tonight.

    If you can't see that - wow I can't help you.

    So step up Zeker - who you got tonight & why?
  7. I am typically do?
  8. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    At this point, Obama has the rhetorical upper hand, having been against the war since the start.

    Will be interesting to see how Biden and Richardson try to position themselves vis a vis the big three.

    And you sound silly, JDV.
  9. andyouare?

    andyouare? Guest

    OK so Rudy is ahead with the Polish population, but what about the rest of the country?
  10. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    Yes, Rudy G. is leading the race right now. But the primaries are still like nine months away. Check in nine months from now and tell me how Rudy G. is doing. McCain is in trouble, yes. But I don't think Rudy G. is going to win the nominee. He's going to cross the Mason-Dixon line heading South and that's going to be your ballgame.
  11. SCEditor

    SCEditor Active Member

    Plus, Rudy G. is winning the popular poll. We all know that you don't have to win a nomination or an election even with just the popular vote. Electoral math is the key, and I don't think Rudy G. is going to win that battle.
  12. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    VERY true.

    Did you see the National Review guy on Bill Maher last week?

    He DESTROYED Maher on that issue and left him speechless when comparing the pullouts of Vietnam and India (British) among others and how many millions of lives were lost in the fighting & chaos that ensued afterwards.

    Mahr had no answers other than to blame Bush and say that the war was lost, but he got stopped cold on that one.

    That being said all the energy & money on the left is CONSUMED with getting out of Iraq YESTERDAY. Thus, there will be a race for that side by BO & Edwards particularly since that is where Hillary is most vulnerable in the primary.

    Congrats! You have targeted a key battleground in tonight's debate. That will be where a ton of the action is.

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