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Darryl Dawkins classic Biofile

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by mrbio, Sep 29, 2011.

  1. mrbio

    mrbio Member

    Thought some people might like this Biofile with Chocolate Thunder. Some pretty cool insights and memories...


    Biofile with Darryl Dawkins
    Published by Scoop Malinowski on September 21, 2011 filed under BioFiles · Comments (0)
    Status: NBA center from 1975-1989 for Philadelphia 76ers, New Jersey Nets, Utah Jazz and Detroit Pistons.

    Ht: 6-11 Wt: 260

    DOB: January 11, 1957 In: Orlando, FL

    First Basketball Memory: “Was getting beat one-on-one by my mother. And she taught me how to play basketball. So my first memory was getting one at age 12 – a rim for Christmas, my mother putting it up and beating me.”

    Basketball Inspirations: “I like Oscar Robertson but I was a bigger fan of Wilt Chamberlain. And I liked Jerry West too. But Wilt Chamberlain – there was no other like him.”

    Nicknames: “Chocolate Thunder was given to me by Stevie Wonder, a man who never saw me. I like Dr. Dunkenstein. I liked Pure Pleasure. Sir Slam. Ice Man was my favorite nickname – and that was for George Gervin.”

    Last Book Read: “Harry Potter.”

    Favorite Movie: “League of Extraordinary Gentleman.”

    First Job: “Elmon Tire Service. Putting acid in the batteries. In Orlando, Florida.”

    First Car: “Was a ‘67 Caddy (Cadillac). It was in ‘75. It was raggedy as all, but it was mine [laughs].” (Color?) Blue and green.”

    Current Car: “You would not believe it so I’ll tell you…I mostly drive a minivan. Because if I drive another car, I’m stopped all the time. I have a car from Muhammad Ali – called a Stutz Blackhawk – that I don’t drive.”

    Favorite Meal: “Without a doubt is fried chicken [smiles].”

    Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: “Strawberry.”

    Greatest Sports Moment: “Getting my first paycheck from the Sixers (1975).”

    Most Painful Moment: “Was getting my first divorce.”

    Favorite Uniforms: “I like the first uniforms the Sixers had because it had the Liberty Bell on them, Ben Franklin and everybody. They weighed about 20 pounds. Those were my favorite ones.”

    Favorite Arena: “Houston. Because the rims were like bigger than a truck tire. You couldn’t miss. Couldn’t miss.”

    Closest NBA Friends: “World B. Free and Earl Cureton.”

    Funniest Player Encountered: “Bobby Jones [laughs]. Bobby Jones was a Christian and everything he said was dry humor that you had to understand.”

    Toughest Competitor Encountered: “Bob Lanier. (Why him?) 22 shoe. Left hand. I couldn’t guard him no matter what.”

    Funny Basketball Memory: “They told us if you ever get hit in the lower extremities, grab your foot, the trainer will come out. I got hit by Dave Cowens. I grabbed my lower extremity. And the next day in the paper it said: ‘Dawkins worried about balls, not ball [laughs].’”

    Strangest Game: “We played a game in Philadelphia – and the Nets protested. By the time we played the Nets again, they had traded three players to us. So we had to play the last three minutes and change uniforms.”

    Favorite Sports Outside Basketball: “Bowling. And girl watching [smiles].”

    Favorite Players To Watch: “I like to watch Jason Kidd, because he still makes everything go. Kevin Durant. Kobe Bryant. I like KG. I just like team players.”

    Embarrassing Basketball Memory: “I played without a jock on [laughs]. And everything came out one night. That was embarrassing.”

    People Qualities Most Admired: “I like people who give back.”

    Career Accomplishments: 8,733 total points scored (12 Points per game), 4,432 rebounds (6.1), 1,023 blocks (1.4).
  2. Uncle.Ruckus

    Uncle.Ruckus Guest

    The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.
  3. Greenhorn

    Greenhorn Active Member

    I'm pretty sure that Dawkins is the only person on the planet whose favorite movie is "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"
  4. mrbio

    mrbio Member

    You might be right. In about 2500 of these interviews, that film has only been mentioned as a favorite movie just once.
  5. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    Darryl Dawkins was a strange and witty guy. Gave great interviews and very friendly, to a fault. Many have said he didn't live up to his potential. Maybe he was as good as HE wanted to be. I liked the part about Stevie Wonder giving him the nickname Chocolate Thunder.
  6. murphyc

    murphyc Well-Known Member

    Skip goes on "vacation" from the board and mrbio suddenly reappears.
    Just sayin'.
  7. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Massive fail. How can you do a biofile without a single mention of Planet Lovetron?

    May you get dunked on like Bill Robinzine.

  8. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    I'll never forget what George "Ice Man" Gervin said when he did it again a few weeks later against the Spurs at the Spectrum in Philly. It was something along the lines of I saw what happened to Robinzine so I got the hell out of there."
  9. mrbio

    mrbio Member

    "He claimed to be from the planet 'Lovetron' where he spent off-seasons practicing interplanetary funkmanship with his girlfriend Juicy Lucy." )
  10. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Is there some peg to this? This thread seems about random as it comes
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Don't hate on Darryl Dawkins, dooley. The man is a joy.

    Let the random be.
  12. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Do you really think I clicked the link?
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