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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by kimronspringle, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    UPDATE: Turns out, the sharks were supposed to be here Wednesday, then moving on to other papers in our region in subsequent days.

    However, without notice nor explanation, all the visits were called off.

    Wenders, me thinks something's up. Ugh...
  2. Suicide Squeezer

    Suicide Squeezer Active Member

    They were at my paper today. Haven't really heard of anything that went down though as of yet.

    Our forum, one of CNHI's most active ones supposedly, was shutdown for whatever reason last month.

    Also, I would think the unpaid fourth quarter week is pretty much all but a guarantee at this point. Aside from the Thursday and Friday vacation days I took when the NCAA hoops tourney began and mere days before the unpaid days began, they've also yet to let me use any of my real vacation days, which I'm pretty sure is illegal. Now, with fall sports starting, it'll probably be Nov. or Dec. before I can fit it in, if at all.

    Thanks, CNHI.
  3. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member

    As long as you get paid for them, SS.

    Of course, it would be nice to have a few days off with pay, but as long as you don't completely lose them.
  4. Suicide Squeezer

    Suicide Squeezer Active Member

    That'd be fine with me, especially since I still have 2 weeks to take. The way I understand it, or at least the shady way my shop operates, is that you if can't fit them in, it's your problem and you lost it.
  5. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    Our forums were shut down -- by the people here at my shop, not corporate -- several months ago. Too much criticism.
  6. golfnut8924

    golfnut8924 Guest

    Yeah my old place had a "use them or lose them" policy which was bullshit considering we were more or less told when we could use them. Then they gave the vets first dibs on vacation days so those of us at the bottom of the ladder ended up working christmas eve and day AND THEN losing our unused vacation days a week later when the year ended.
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Then start scheduling them.

    If stuff doesn't get covered because you are on vacation, tough. You've earned that vacation time. Take it.

    And if the higher-ups hem and haw, then ask them, "When am I supposed to take vacation?"
  8. SouthernStyle

    SouthernStyle Member

    Things haven't been as grim at my shop. We got new computers in the newsroom and other departments that had holes have been able to make new hires. I know similar things have happened at another CNHI shop. The furloughs were a burden, but no one has been denied their vacation time. There has also been signs that things are turning up. Ad revenue has gradually picked up and we've been making budget. So I can't complain. I know people at other papers who are in more difficult situations.
  9. Is there the feeling that a set of fourth-quarter furloughs are coming? If they are, I just don't think our newspaper can handle it.
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