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chinese restaurants in s.f.

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by shockey, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. hockeybeat

    hockeybeat Guest

    Love SF. One of my favorite cities.

    There's a Chinese place right by the entrance to Golden Gate Park. I don't know the name of it, but I do know in the past it was painted in fluorescent blue and green, along with hot pink.
  2. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    We have three Chinatowns here in Toronto so there's a fair selection.

    But, as one person pointed out, if you go into a Chinese restaurant and there are no Chinese people eating there, you're not in a Chinese restaurant.

    It's like going into Olive Garden and thinking you're eating Italian food.

    BTW, quite often a good source or restaurant ideas is the local paper. You may want to check the SF Chronicle. (sfgate.com)

    And I'll third the motion. Outside of NYC, SF is my favourite city in the US, followed by Chicago and then Bston.
  3. Smasher_Sloan

    Smasher_Sloan Active Member

    I like Lee Ho Fooks.

    Always get a big dish of beef chow mein.
  4. shockey

    shockey Active Member

    don't get me started. i'll start crying. :( :( :(

    suffice to say i lost my heart there. very fortunate to have recovered. true love can strike twice, folks. take it from the shockster. ;D ;D ;D
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